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I could not think of a great title for this thread, but it is the best I could come up with.

I have decided that I want to do some more shooting in the upcoming years. I have many inherited firearms that I have never shot, or not shot in a long time. Of course I have modern fun stuff also.

Part of my purpose is to document the condition and some history about the guns so that when I pass them on, the history will live. I would start a spreadsheet with details and images.

While this is fun for me, I also want to encourage more people to get out and shoot or gain an interest in firearms, along with some education. To do that I was considering posting images on social media (this site included) each time I take one out. It would include some history, shooting and the targets. The downside to this is security, the main one being that if people dont know what you have, they are not looking for it.

Has anyone done anything similar and if so, how did you handle it?
Might want to disable the camera on your smart TV.
Anything you've walked through the living room is already compromised.


I got this for Christmas, believe it.
I post pictures of my firearms on here fairly often.
Many times I have posted about my firearm display and where it will be located at .

I don't overly worry / wonder about security when doing this...I post because I enjoy sharing information and knowledge.
Now please don't take the above as being a non concern over security or the like.
I am....however I just ain't worried 'bout what I post and it being an open invitation to steal from me,

Others of course will differ in this opinion / line of thought.
I started a thread on here called "Gun Day, Fun Day" and post on there randomly when I have said day(s). Others have posted there also.
  • Current locations (posts all retro after event)
  • Visible landmarks when at home
  • Serial numbers
  • Faces or personal identifiable information (vehicles, license plates, tattoos) - Unless you think you're a gun bunny with a prolapsed arsehole like Bonnie.
  • Personal acct is always different than 'hobby' account.
I could not think of a great title for this thread, but it is the best I could come up with.

I have decided that I want to do some more shooting in the upcoming years. I have many inherited firearms that I have never shot, or not shot in a long time. Of course I have modern fun stuff also.

Part of my purpose is to document the condition and some history about the guns so that when I pass them on, the history will live. I would start a spreadsheet with details and images.

While this is fun for me, I also want to encourage more people to get out and shoot or gain an interest in firearms, along with some education. To do that I was considering posting images on social media (this site included) each time I take one out. It would include some history, shooting and the targets. The downside to this is security, the main one being that if people dont know what you have, they are not looking for it.

Has anyone done anything similar and if so, how did you handle it?
Personally I don't care about posting pics of guns but I try to black out the serial numbers. People steal images and will list your gun for sale on gunbroker etc so that's why I delete serial numbers. Some people never post pictures and of course that's up to them. Different strokes for different folks, it's all good.

Re passing guns on, semi autos etc can go to your kids but not their kids in WA. So you may want to see if a trust will solve that problem. Trust becomes the owner of the guns. Of course if scotus takes up the Snopes case in late Jan (ruling probably July) then this might change, until they pass the next unconstitutional law anyway.
I could not think of a great title for this thread, but it is the best I could come up with.

I have decided that I want to do some more shooting in the upcoming years. I have many inherited firearms that I have never shot, or not shot in a long time. Of course I have modern fun stuff also.

Part of my purpose is to document the condition and some history about the guns so that when I pass them on, the history will live. I would start a spreadsheet with details and images.

While this is fun for me, I also want to encourage more people to get out and shoot or gain an interest in firearms, along with some education. To do that I was considering posting images on social media (this site included) each time I take one out. It would include some history, shooting and the targets. The downside to this is security, the main one being that if people dont know what you have, they are not looking for it.

Has anyone done anything similar and if so, how did you handle it?
If you post on here we are all hiding behind an avatar. Even after years of commenting here the best I can tell is maybe a city where someone here might live. Just dont share enough details to pattern you and your fine. Same for other social media platforms.
  • Current locations (posts all retro after event)
  • Visible landmarks when at home
  • Serial numbers
  • Faces or personal identifiable information (vehicles, license plates, tattoos) - Unless you think you're a gun bunny with a prolapsed arsehole like Bonnie.
  • Personal acct is always different than 'hobby' account.
Who is Bonnie and what happened to her arsehole? 😱
My gun safes are clearly marked with the fact that they contain a secondary failsafe in that if the safe is breached without using the proper combination, they are rigged with a high explosive that will detonate and vaporize the perp breaking into them. "Do ya feel lucky".

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