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I have been a member of a local VW club for the last 20 years.
My good buddy Mark was president at the time I was broken and off work.
I needed something to do, so I made him a gavel block out of some old engine parts and imagination.

This is a stock 1600cc engine cylinder that I cut in half with my oxy / acetylene torch.

After a bit of grinding the surface with basic hand tools to get a nice smooth and polished top lip.

And then here we are after a cleaning and some black paint.

For the center of the cylinder, what better to use than a piston.
I took the stock piston and cut the lower half of it off to fit the cylinder properly.


My cut to fit next to a stock height piston.
I drilled the wrist pin area and tapped it to take a pair of carriage bolts and a set of springs from the junk pile.

Here I have mounted the piston set up onto the stock oil sump plate from the engine.
You can see the springs hold the piston up enough to allow for movement.

On the face of the piston I carved "El Presidente" that I saw on a Taco Bell cup.
It looked cool, so I went for it...

Here is the assembled unit.
I polished up the edges of the cooling fins as well as the face of the cylinder.

On the bottom side, I hand painted the information.
Another club member made the actual gavel out of an old flat blade screwdriver that had a 19mm socket welded to the end.
To keep it from damaging the surface of the piston, I fitted a dollar store drain blocker to the end of the socket.
Now it has a full face rubber pad that makes contact with the piston face.

When you strike the piston face with the gavel, the springs allow movement and it makes a good *clank* noise that is pretty loud and attention grabbing.

Mark still has the block in his collection of VW stuff even though he is no longer with the club.
Can't find fly larvae anywhere for fishing bait, so I am going to make my first homebrew maggot farm when I get home from work. I am pretty sure I have a deer or elk liver chilling in the freezer somewhere. Post production photos incoming!

J/k on the pictures. You're welcome.
What does the "Lovecraft" reference mean? HP Lovecraft? IDK. Cool eject after fire function.
It is indeed an HPL reference; I made it to go into a little wall mounted emergency case. It's Shadow Over Innsmouth-based, hence the naval theme.

Also, thank you. I wanted it to load and eject similar to an M203. Mission accomplished.
Nuclear Plant name , location and MW output?
It's just a few miles up the road from me...

Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF), 400 Area of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, about 8 miles NNW of Richland, WA. Rated 400MW. Currently in cold stand-by...

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Our driveway is just over 1/3 mile, so walking the trash down can be a real chore. Specially when loaded down with cat litter as it has been lately. I found this old welding cart at the metal recycling center and the other metal pieces as well. A $15 hitch and some welding made up a real decent trash trailer. Ready for snow season!

Wow, that looks great! Our totes are all numbered, and we have what we call the "Tote Book", that has the list of everything in each tote. Ours are just stacked however, so invariably what I want is in the bottom tote. I'll be copying your idea!

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