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New grips came in the mail. Buffalo bone.

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Makes me think i should try something different on mine - also, i do not like my black plastic on the HiPower, really need ideas for that, for some reason i'm struggling :(
Smooth grip panels are fine for "BBQ" guns. :)
For something that might see serious work, (a carry gun,) you're a lot better off with a real checkered, (not just "lined",) mainspring housing and some sharp checkered G10 grips.
Add a strip of skateboard tape to the front strap.
Now you've got something that'll stay locked into your hand even when the sweat starts, or your hand is weakened. ;)
Colt Delta Elites:

Blued, vintage 1988:


High polish stainless (except top of slide in matte), vintage 1989.

Stainless, two digits higher in SN than piece above, also 1989. I don't care for those Wilson Presentation Diamond grips, they are going away and soon.
Those are slick.

Who is the Korean?
His name is Young. Does great work. Made my stock and handguard for mp5k clone. Reasonable prices too. Mine was the first folding stock he did. Didn't want to do it but he will work with you to make whatever. Now most of his pics are of folders! ;)
His name is Young. Does great work. Made my stock and handguard for mp5k clone. Reasonable prices too. Mine was the first folding stock he did. Didn't want to do it but he will work with you to make whatever. Now most of his pics are of folders! ;)
So no problems with payment/delivery/etc. then?
I could start a separate thread on Franken 1911's. Kind of a sub-Reddit.

When my pal Dave died and left me his guns, there were many 1911's in the lot. Mostly Colts but others as well. Dave was a self-styled Colt 1911 expert. He liked to tinker with the various small parts. 1911's are very amenable to tinkering. All kinds of parts may be swapped around, or "changed out" as people sometimes say now. Fancy grips, sparkly grip screws, etc, really turn people on. Whatever.

Anyway, as I go through Dave's 1911's, I've found that I have to be very careful in assuming anything. Which has led me to field strip and examine every one of them as I decide what to do with a given piece. And look at pictures online, lots of pictures to see what an original version might look like.

Here are a couple of shining examples.

The first two pictures are of a Franken 1911.

These pictures are of a gun having a Colt Combat Elite frame. By going to the Colt web site, you can determine which configuration the frame left the factory as (but not caliber). The slide on this piece is from a Colt Double Eagle, that was the ill-fated double action version. This one is a .38 Super. Dave's stuff included a badly damaged Double Eagle frame and may be where this slide and possibly the barrel came from. I've fired this gun; it shoots admirably. Those grips have got to go in any case. I've read that the Double Eagle in .38 Super was only made for one year and was fairly uncommon. So this slide may have some value.

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Next up, two pictures of another Franken 1911. Now, understand that Colt did make two tone 1911's, including the Combat Elite. I've never liked nor understood them. And this isn't a factory version of one. This pistol has a Colt Delta Elite frame and a Combat Elite Slide, in .45 ACP. So you might think , "Okay, at least you have a slide (this one), and a frame (pictures above) that are matched." Not necessarily. Because in storage, I also have another of Dave's guns with another Combat Elite frame mounting another Double Eagle slide. In the future, I have to attempt to determine which of the two Combat Elite frames is appropriate to the single Combat Elite slide that I have. Which may or may not be possible, and may not even be important. The single slide has the adjustable rear sight of the early Combat Elites, so study of serial numbers might give a clue.
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I have no idea where the other Double Eagle frame went. Nor the missing Combat Elite slide, nor the missing Delta Elite slide. And, I don't know if Dave is responsible for all of this. Part of it, I'm sure. But he may have bought one of these guns in its present configuration for all I know.

These are the most egregious examples of Dave's mismatches, but there are plenty of others. Lots of grip and grip screw swaps.

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