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Wait wait wait. I was assured by the media and our elected officials that only law enforcement was properly trained enough to handle firearms.. that only they know all the laws.
How can this be?
Not surprising to me sadly. You should read about ATF operations like Fast and Furious (Project Gun Runner), Gun Walking, or the multiple times they have coerced the mentally disabled into working as an illegal gun dealer, and then when they weren't able to entrap anyone else they prosecuted the mentally disabled person. They did this across the nation, even here in our own Portland backyard.
Per CBS News:
"Some ammunition can take out a helicopter or blow straight through an armored tank followed by a concrete building, out the other side, then explode, hitting targets 18 football fields away. These guns can spew hundreds of rounds each minute, faster than the speed of sound. " :eek::eek::rolleyes:

WOW!! Where can I get me some of that? :s0139:
Not surprising to me sadly. You should read about ATF operations like Fast and Furious (Project Gun Runner), Gun Walking, or the multiple times they have coerced the mentally disabled into working as an illegal gun dealer, and then when they weren't able to entrap anyone else they prosecuted the mentally disabled person. They did this across the nation, even here in our own Portland backyard.
Hey no better way to keep those 'thousands' of Federal Confidential Informants gainfully employed , When actual real crime is short supply. Nothing better than creation of situation of entrapment dangled in-front of the Low Hanging Fruit, to fuel job justification, increase prosecution incarceration #'s, and is much needed and wanted to fuel more Federal Funding to get more $$$$$ .
There seems to be some serious ongoing problems in the ATF:

For police departments to get ahold of such high-powered weaponry, each one needs permission from the ATF. Even though it has been the law for more than three decades, the ATF only started vetting every machine gun application for the first time in January 2023 to confirm that a legitimate government agency was making the request.

According to interviews with half a dozen longtime ATF officials who worked directly on these cases, the bureau typically does not assess the appropriateness of the weapons for a department or track where they end up.

"There's no audits," said former Supervisory Special Agent Tim Graden, who worked at the ATF for more than two decades before retiring in 2022. "There was no second-guessing whatsoever. They weren't really — I don't want to use the word concerned, but I can't think of a better one."
Add to this, the recent relaxed hiring practices.

A nationwide review of government audits and court records over the last 20 years uncovered at least 50 cases of police illegally selling their weapons online, through dealers, out of their homes or the back of their cars. In many cases, the weapons were sold to gun enthusiasts, often at steep markups as high as 10 times what they were bought for.
Per CBS News:
"Some ammunition can take out a helicopter or blow straight through an armored tank followed by a concrete building, out the other side, then explode, hitting targets 18 football fields away. These guns can spew hundreds of rounds each minute, faster than the speed of sound. " :eek::eek::rolleyes:

WOW!! Where can I get me some of that? :s0139:
Sounds like my reloads.
Per CBS News:
"Some ammunition can take out a helicopter or blow straight through an armored tank followed by a concrete building, out the other side, then explode, hitting targets 18 football fields away. These guns can spew hundreds of rounds each minute, faster than the speed of sound. " :eek::eek::rolleyes:

WOW!! Where can I get me some of that? :s0139:
They were only speaking of the hi-cap magazines. The actual ammo is even worse!
Per CBS News:
"Some ammunition can take out a helicopter or blow straight through an armored tank followed by a concrete building, out the other side, then explode, hitting targets 18 football fields away. These guns can spew hundreds of rounds each minute, faster than the speed of sound. " :eek::eek::rolleyes:

WOW!! Where can I get me some of that? :s0139:

Must be one of them 9mm that could also take your lungs out.

Per CBS News:
"Some ammunition can take out a helicopter or blow straight through an armored tank followed by a concrete building, out the other side, then explode, hitting targets 18 football fields away. These guns can spew hundreds of rounds each minute, faster than the speed of sound. " :eek::eek::rolleyes:

WOW!! Where can I get me some of that? :s0139:
Y'know, in a way, I feel sorry for the people that report this kind of thing. It has got to be excruciatingly painful to pull that much utter bullbubblegum out of your own bubblegum on a daily basis.

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