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Hi All,

I went and checked out a Canik Mete MC9 today and loved it (especially with the 15rd mag!). I went to purchase it and found I was only number 17 in the queue. About a half-hour later, though, the clerk told me that my application went into a status of Pending/Delayed and when I called back a few hours to check again, the clerk said that somebody at OSP reviewed it and set it to Delayed: 60 days. You ever heard of that happening? My name isn't too common (not Smith or Johnson) and I included my SSN with my background check application.

I have an Oregon CHL.

Anyways, I'm looking for the next steps I should take (lawyer, in-person visit to OSP, etc.). I emailed OSP's firearm unit. Tried calling, too, and left a message with someone who said they'd relay the message (took my name, number, etc.). The first email I sent bounced back as undeliverable.

Thank you for any wisdom you can share!

EDIT: Nothing on my background that would disqualify, etc..
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It just means there is something that they want to investigate, generally once they get the information they need you'll clear and it won't ever be an issue again. Sucks I agree. I my case I was arrested along time ago then my case was dismissed but there was a mark on my record of being arrested but the jail had no record of the out come of the case. I went to the county courthouse and found a clerk to sign off that they had no interest in me and took that paper to the city jail and they agreed they had no interest in me either. I had the city court clerk call OSP and talk to a supervisor and then the supervisor talked to me telling me that she saw what deal was and that I passed my background check. What's going on is old paper/microfish records are being scanned in and entered into the Great Srutnizer Data Base. My issue was over 20 years old and I've bought lots of guns in that period of time as well as a concealed carry not to mention Government employee background checks.
It may be a problem with you or it may be a problem with the gun. Or it may not be a problem at all. The only times I've had to wait more than the next business day both involved purchasing an M1A and both had very short serial numbers so I'm guessing they had to double check they weren't hot and didn't have the time right then and there to deal with it. Who knows, I'm sure you and your new or new-to-you canik will be united in no time
Hi All,

I went and checked out a Canik Mete MC9 today and loved it (especially with the 15rd mag!). I went to purchase it and found I was only number 17 in the queue. About a half-hour later, though, the clerk told me that my application went into a status of Pending/Delayed and when I called back a few hours to check again, the clerk said that somebody at OSP reviewed it and set it to Delayed: 60 days. You ever heard of that happening? My name isn't too common (not Smith or Johnson) and I included my SSN with my background check application.

I have an Oregon CHL.

Anyways, I'm looking for the next steps I should take (lawyer, in-person visit to OSP, etc.). I emailed OSP's firearm unit. Tried calling, too, and left a message with someone who said they'd relay the message (took my name, number, etc.). The first email I sent bounced back as undeliverable.

Thank you for any wisdom you can share!

EDIT: Nothing on my background that would disqualify, etc..
The good news is that it's not likely an entry mistake or OSP would have canceled it and made you start over.

Bad news is it might be something more serious. Please fill us in when you hear anything good or bad.

Was the firearm new or used?
Hi All,

I went and checked out a Canik Mete MC9 today and loved it (especially with the 15rd mag!). I went to purchase it and found I was only number 17 in the queue. About a half-hour later, though, the clerk told me that my application went into a status of Pending/Delayed and when I called back a few hours to check again, the clerk said that somebody at OSP reviewed it and set it to Delayed: 60 days. You ever heard of that happening? My name isn't too common (not Smith or Johnson) and I included my SSN with my background check application.

I have an Oregon CHL.

Anyways, I'm looking for the next steps I should take (lawyer, in-person visit to OSP, etc.). I emailed OSP's firearm unit. Tried calling, too, and left a message with someone who said they'd relay the message (took my name, number, etc.). The first email I sent bounced back as undeliverable.

Thank you for any wisdom you can share!

EDIT: Nothing on my background that would disqualify, etc..
Fingers crossed for a quick resolution

Buddy of mine had an old high school classmate who, somewhere along the decades, started using his name and birth date to get arrested. Kept ending up having to wait for an officer to confirm that he was the real guy. Dunno if he ever got it fixed
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Hi All,

I went and checked out a Canik Mete MC9 today and loved it (especially with the 15rd mag!). I went to purchase it and found I was only number 17 in the queue. About a half-hour later, though, the clerk told me that my application went into a status of Pending/Delayed and when I called back a few hours to check again, the clerk said that somebody at OSP reviewed it and set it to Delayed: 60 days. You ever heard of that happening? My name isn't too common (not Smith or Johnson) and I included my SSN with my background check application.

I have an Oregon CHL.

Anyways, I'm looking for the next steps I should take (lawyer, in-person visit to OSP, etc.). I emailed OSP's firearm unit. Tried calling, too, and left a message with someone who said they'd relay the message (took my name, number, etc.). The first email I sent bounced back as undeliverable.

Thank you for any wisdom you can share!

EDIT: Nothing on my background that would disqualify, etc..
Did they find a body buried in your back yard? That's sounds weird AF. Did your name get misspelled? Did you write the word "street" in your address on the for and it says "ST" on your driver's license? That will get you rejected.
Arrest records don't (or shouldn't anyway) have anything to do with holding up a UBC as anyone can be apprehended and processed at anytime for anything, whether they actually did anything or not. You could have merely been in the wrong place at the wrong time and got "swept up" by the cops.

It's entries of CONVICTIONS or JUDGMENTS that matter.... or at least that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be.
The good news is that it's not likely an entry mistake or OSP would have canceled it and made you start over.

Bad news is it might be something more serious. Please fill us in when you hear anything good or bad.

Was the firearm new or used?
Brand new firearm at a box store
Did they find a body buried in your back yard? That's sounds weird AF. Did your name get misspelled? Did you write the word "street" in your address on the for and it says "ST" on your driver's license? That will get you rejected.
I may have done something like that, honestly. Like put the apartment behind the street address instead of in the second box (like 123 main street D19). I'm going to call an attorney today since I have zero idea what it could be; especially since I have a concealed and went through a thorough background check already. I had some almost 20 year old disorderly conduct charges (non-convictions) expunged, but that was five years ago.
Other than this purchase attempt, when was your most recent other firearms purchase in Oregon?

(Have a couple MC9's now, which we haven't taken to the range yet. Might today. Was instant on 1 yesterday. In the short queue on another one last week, about 20 minutes.)
I had some almost 20 year old disorderly conduct charges (non-convictions) expunged, but that was five years ago.
Not a lawyer nor Holiday Inn-er, but I can't help but think you may be experiencing the same bubblegum as these poor souls-

I may have done something like that, honestly. Like put the apartment behind the street address instead of in the second box (like 123 main street D19). I'm going to call an attorney today since I have zero idea what it could be; especially since I have a concealed and went through a thorough background check already. I had some almost 20 year old disorderly conduct charges (non-convictions) expunged, but that was five years ago.
"I had some almost 20 year old disorderly conduct charges (non-convictions) expunged, but that was five years ago..."

This is likely the cause. Hopefully it's a nothing burger after they look into it.
Arrest records don't (or shouldn't anyway) have anything to do with holding up a UBC as anyone can be apprehended and processed at anytime for anything, whether they actually did anything or not. You could have merely been in the wrong place at the wrong time and got "swept up" by the cops.

It's entries of CONVICTIONS or JUDGMENTS that matter.... or at least that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be.
I agree with you on this. My friend has been delayed a few years back after 40 years of no problem with BGCs purchasing guns in Oregon. After 6 months of delay, he finally canceled the purchase/BGC. One charge in his record kept appearing as having no conviction status. He got it cleared up with the DOJ in California and updated the info with NICS. Now, no problem with BGCs.
I had this issue with OSP multiple times. your record might NOT be dirty but could have a couple marks on it. OSP says they have to do research and that the reports need will take up to 2 weeks to get back blah blah blah. I cleared 3 bgc and then magically it changed, my FFL called in and got it cleared, then the very next day I was held up again. This time i happened to be in Salem so i decided to stop by the OSP office and have a chat about what the issue was. They gave me the same speech of were waiting on documents as they don't keep anything on record. I then asked if they can see when the last time i bought a gun and they said yes, but if they don't keep records how did they know. They could not answer and question with out a lie and wont give you any real information. They cleared my Bgc before i got on the freeway and i am not a insta check but do not get delayed anymore. The Manager even told me CHL doesn't mean you can buy a firearm, But for them to clear my Bgc so fast they must of had my info back from the FEDs.

There is no reason besides the political games they like to play. I would encourage anyone to go down and ask questions in person at the OSP HQ, Just remember to be professional and polite.
I had this issue with OSP multiple times. your record might NOT be dirty but could have a couple marks on it. OSP says they have to do research and that the reports need will take up to 2 weeks to get back blah blah blah. I cleared 3 bgc and then magically it changed, my FFL called in and got it cleared, then the very next day I was held up again. This time i happened to be in Salem so i decided to stop by the OSP office and have a chat about what the issue was. They gave me the same speech of were waiting on documents as they don't keep anything on record. I then asked if they can see when the last time i bought a gun and they said yes, but if they don't keep records how did they know. They could not answer and question with out a lie and wont give you any real information. They cleared my Bgc before i got on the freeway and i am not a insta check but do not get delayed anymore. The Manager even told me CHL doesn't mean you can buy a firearm, But for them to clear my Bgc so fast they must of had my info back from the FEDs.

There is no reason besides the political games they like to play. I would encourage anyone to go down and ask questions in person at the OSP HQ, Just remember to be professional and polite.
Thank you. Good info and I am speaking with an attorney tomorrow about this. Their paralegal looked me up and was audibly confused as to what their reason could be.

Appreciate it, all. Sincerely.
Thank you. Good info and I am speaking with an attorney tomorrow about this. Their paralegal looked me up and was audibly confused as to what their reason could be.

Appreciate it, all. Sincerely.
Good luck Not many attorneys will actually take it on. Your dealing with the state with endless amounts of our tax money to use against us. I have a attorney on retainer for business and I asked the same question Best to resolve personally and directly.
I agree with you on this. My friend has been delayed a few years back after 40 years of no problem with BGCs purchasing guns in Oregon. After 6 months of delay, he finally canceled the purchase/BGC. One charge in his record kept appearing as having no conviction status. He got it cleared up with the DOJ in California and updated the info with NICS. Now, no problem with BGCs.
Usually, OSP would indicate what the problem is. In this case, OSP told my friend which charge was in question and they were waiting for California DOJ to get back to them. He waited 6 months during the pandemic.
He got proactive in his case and dealt with the California DOJ independently. After several months of filing applications and back and forth. He got it resolved. It was a clerical error that didn't indicate what was the conviction status was on a specific charge. It was a misdemeanor. It all got cleared up and they updated the info.
He didn't use a lawyer. In some cases, you have to do the legwork yourself. He did it all online.
So the attorney told me it's not the state but that the FBI has access to the state set-aside database now and apparently that's causing the hold-up. He also said that (like others have suggested), there's nothing he could do to expedite the process and that he's seen people having to wait for six months.

I am going to go down to Salem to see what I can do to help move things along. It's just crazy to me that we can get our CHLs and then get held up like this. Folks don't understand that this is just one of the many reasons we don't want OSP deciding who gets to own a gun.

Thanks again all!
So the attorney told me it's not the state but that the FBI has access to the state set-aside database now and apparently that's causing the hold-up. He also said that (like others have suggested), there's nothing he could do to expedite the process and that he's seen people having to wait for six months.

I am going to go down to Salem to see what I can do to help move things along. It's just crazy to me that we can get our CHLs and then get held up like this. Folks don't understand that this is just one of the many reasons we don't want OSP deciding who gets to own a gun.

Thanks again all!

When you go down there make sure you just ask a bunch of questions and try to trip them up. Catch them in a lie and have good proof there is no reason to be held up. If you have bought another gun recently make sure to ask if they can see that transaction. Just be firm on talking to them but keep it professional. If you have your CHL you should be fine unless you have a felony and then got your gun rights back in Oregon. Feds still wont let you buy in that case.

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