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  1. For Sale
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Mainly looking to trade can include cash or other ammo possibly other guns for right trade.
Or just give me cash 💰 That would work too

Safe queen, only mark on gun is from safety lever and is so lite you can't see in pictures!
Zastava NPAP M70
Import from century arms
I got it 6 years ago in unfired condition, the guy said it was a " hand picked rifle" and he paid extra for that ? All I know for sure is it shoots real nice and straight 👍
Magpul Zhukov-s folding stock and hogue forearm , will throw in a Zhukov forearm (this requires cutting and removal of old hand guard retainer) so I went with the hogue (Original blonde wood furniture included
4 prong flash hider unknown brand (original slant break included
Exactly 415 rounds put through it

KCI 75 round drum x1
40 round promag X1
10 round pmag x1
30round gen 1 pmags x12
30round gen 2 pmagsx3
$250for all obo

362 hollow points(Barnaul steel cased
347 fmj ( mixed steel cased mostly wolf Tula
125 brass case (belom
$250 obo

Trade interest include but not limited to following

Mp5 (any variation or maker
Galil ace (5.56 or 308
Cz scorpion
Pistol caliber AR
Plate carrier & plates
Fixed blades ( esee, tops, busse
High end AR parts ( noveske,giesele,kac,lmt,lwrc
Or make me an offer

View attachment 1237930 D5420D60-5CF9-4DCE-BDFE-3ED5701FC63B.jpeg E02BBE2C-433D-4C58-BB92-FE0A78E947C0.jpeg 91E52A50-CBE4-4560-87E8-A1B87277BC0C.jpeg 1E185A59-8B36-404C-8E96-B77B2C2246FB.jpeg B630E461-ADF0-4667-BEB5-EDDD3479EB8C.jpeg image.jpg image.jpg 22C1F326-80E6-4C09-B8FB-4C888133CE83.jpeg 455631E5-79A1-427A-8002-CAA9DEA015E8.jpeg D8D785EF-BBBA-4473-8B46-7F3571B679F6.jpeg
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Last Edited:
If you're curious about price, unfortunately the NPAPs are the least sought after Zastava for the most part. Seems like they're running around $700
Was not curious and did not ask .
If I was not informed on the value of my rifle I would of asked someone….. that person would not have been you.
Not to say your incorrect if you offered me $700 you could have it in original configuration with wood stock ,plastic grip and slat brake…one 5round mag ….. no ammo…so is that your offer if not then kindly focus your attention elsewhere and have a nice day!
Last Edited:
@jlynblackmore Isn't the furniture walnut on the NPAP M70s? Reason I'm asking is I've been looking high and low for some walnut furniture for a milled AKM. If that's walnut would you be willing to part with it separately?
@jlynblackmore Isn't the furniture walnut on the NPAP M70s? Reason I'm asking is I've been looking high and low for some walnut furniture for a milled AKM. If that's walnut would you be willing to part with it separately?
Sorry for the late response didn't see your message, don't believe it would fit cause it's yugo pattern not milled akm
Mainly looking to trade can include cash or other ammo possibly other guns for right trade.
Or just give me cash 💰 That would work too

Safe queen, only mark on gun is from safety lever and is so lite you can't see in pictures!
Zastava NPAP M70
Import from century arms
I got it 6 years ago in unfired condition, the guy said it was a " hand picked rifle" and he paid extra for that ? All I know for sure is it shoots real nice and straight 👍
Magpul Zhukov-s folding stock and hogue forearm , will throw in a Zhukov forearm (this requires cutting and removal of old hand guard retainer) so I went with the hogue (Original blonde wood furniture included
4 prong flash hider unknown brand (original slant break included
Exactly 415 rounds put through it

KCI 75 round drum x1
40 round promag X1
10 round pmag x1
30round gen 1 pmags x12
30round gen 2 pmagsx3
$250 for all obo

362 hollow points(Barnaul steel cased
347 fmj ( mixed steel cased mostly wolf Tula
125 brass case (belom
$250 obo

Trade interest include but not limited to following

Mp5 (any variation or maker
Galil ace (5.56 or 308
Cz scorpion
Pistol caliber AR
Plate carrier & plates
Fixed blades ( esee, tops, busse
High end AR parts ( noveske,giesele,kac,lmt,lwrc
Or make me an offer

View attachment 1237930 View attachment 1237931 View attachment 1237932 View attachment 1237933 View attachment 1237934 View attachment 1237935 View attachment 1237946 View attachment 1237947 View attachment 1247534 View attachment 1247535 View attachment 1247536
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