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Too bad this is only happening to those "despicable clingers" in "fly-over" country....
....this looks like something the national media could be covering 24-7.

Perhaps they're waiting for proof of Trump collusion with Russian Climate Controllers?
Or, for a couple of movie stars to lose a hobby-farm or vacation ranch.:rolleyes:
Interesting to see what happens to food prices.
In the event that any NOAA warnings are big nothing burgers (as usual), food will continue to decrease in packaged size while prices increase. In the case that an actual mega disaster occurs, food will be purchased by mobs and bullets. No need to panic, everything's fine.
via Ol' Remus Woodpile Report
art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif We have never seen catastrophic flooding like this, and the NOAA is now telling us that there will be more major flooding for at least two more months...

Of all the natural disasters that we have seen in recent years, this is the biggest, and U.S. food production is going to be dramatically affected because many farmers will not be able to grow crops at all in 2019...

The amount of food that has just been lost is absolutely staggering. Due to the trade war, farmers were storing more wheat, corn and soybeans than ever before, and now the floodwaters have destroyed much of what had been stored.
Government Warns Of Historic, Widespread Flooding "Through May" – Food Prices To Skyrocket As 1000s Of Farms Are Destroyed
Gun up
Ammo up
Stock up
Disarming will likely come to play.
Not likely.
Can The Government Confiscate My Firearms During a Disaster?

In 2006, Congress passed the DISASTER RECOVERY PERSONAL PROTECTION ACT of 2006. The law was intended to prevent the government from seizing legally-owned firearms during the time of a disaster. It was incorporated as an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, and signed into law on October 4, 2006.
....OH.....MY.....GOD !!!
....OH.....MY.....GOD !!!


Uhhhh....Isn't this just a map of....y'know... Spring? :confused:
An exceptionally WET & NASTY Spring.... But weren't they all in a panic about shrinking aquifers and returning "dust bowl" conditions not that long ago? Well ya need water to have a flood and Ma Nature doesn't seem to do things halfassed .... Come to think of it, that's probably why mankind invented averages... to put some lipstick on Mother Nature. 'Cuz lord knows she doesn't look good in a snap shot.



But Major Weather Disasters have never happened before!!

BTW, corn production went into ethanol many years ago. So maybe affect animal feed prices but otherwise not too big a hit.

200million at risk? There's only a bit more than 300million in the entire nation (if you don't count illegals). Somehow we will all survive, just like we always do.
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