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I'd like to be able to report but I think I've finally reached a point where there's no longer any other gun I really want. Of course I've said this before, and more than once.
I thought that was the case with me, but then HK went and released the new ambi MR556A4 (416clone) in 11" pistol form, and i just HAD to have it. Have been monitoring for stock as they have trickled in, and just finally snagged one this morning! So will be on pins/needles waiting for it to ship and arrive before anything potentially happens with Measure 114!
Reporting that the queue was at around 50 this afternoon- so perfect time for everyone to buy some guns!! ;-)

Delayed 4 days somewhere in the snow of Kentucky, finally made its way here . . . Picked up the new HK MR556A4, in the 11" pistol variant- the one that was just released finally to market. Basically the closest civilians in the US can get to the legendary HK 416, the gun that killed Bin Laden. . .

Reporting that the queue was at around 50 this afternoon- so perfect time for everyone to buy some guns!! ;-)

Delayed 4 days somewhere in the snow of Kentucky, finally made its way here . . . Picked up the new HK MR556A4, in the 11" pistol variant- the one that was just released finally to market. Basically the closest civilians in the US can get to the legendary HK 416, the gun that killed Bin Laden. . .

View attachment 2020768
Tax stamp inbound?
Reporting that the queue was at around 50 this afternoon- so perfect time for everyone to buy some guns!! ;-)

Delayed 4 days somewhere in the snow of Kentucky, finally made its way here . . . Picked up the new HK MR556A4, in the 11" pistol variant- the one that was just released finally to market. Basically the closest civilians in the US can get to the legendary HK 416, the gun that killed Bin Laden. . .

View attachment 2020768
Sweet firearm boss
I thought so as well.
It was 6:30pm or so when I was at the FFL and filled out my form.
At 9:15 he texted as it went through.

I picked it up this morning.

The 4 items before that were all instant approvals.
Backlog was 144 about 11am told it could be faster or slower depending on how many are working it.
Should be noted there's a gun show today (in Hillsboro) which may be slowing things down.

As an aside, I went and felt like it was a waste of time/admission fee.
Bought another Glock about 2 hours ago. No idea on the queue numbers. I was instant. Less than 5 minutes. That has been the case for me though ever since I was 18. I've never waited more than 10 minutes (even during the 114 fiasco) except the one time I bought a gun when the system was down…. Luckily the shop did 3 day release so it was no worry on my end.
I got a instant monday and a instant yesterday
You must have a unique name. I have a friend with a unique name. She gets instants all the time. Unfortunately for me, my name is pretty common. I also get test results and meds for other people with the same name from the VA from time to time.

They also sent me test results for somebody that has a different name, is female, and has something transmissible (an STD) from the VA. I just threw it away. I'm not waiting on the phone for an hour to tell somebody that they bubblegumed up. The patient will call her doc when the itching gets intolerable, or will know what to do when the antibiotics arrive in the mail.
Bought another Glock about 2 hours ago. No idea on the queue numbers. I was instant. Less than 5 minutes. That has been the case for me though ever since I was 18. I've never waited more than 10 minutes (even during the 114 fiasco) except the one time I bought a gun when the system was down…. Luckily the shop did 3 day release so it was no worry on my end.
Well, with a name like Gumby, I would image you get instants.
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