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  1. Absolutely certain, beyond any doubt.
  2. Huh.
Never happened before, in any state, pre-114. But who knows.

I've heard a few different FFL's say that they've observed that the gun seems to matter. It's not a definitive statement of fact, of course, but these were knowledgeable, relatively high-volume shops that really know what they're doing.
I've been put in line 3 times ever. Once was a typing error, the other two were both brand new M1A rifles from different shops with short serial numbers within a month of each other. I'm convinced the short serial number is that flagged them
I've heard a few different FFL's say that they've observed that the gun seems to matter. It's not a definitive statement of fact, of course, but these were knowledgeable, relatively high-volume shops that really know what they're doing.
My last 2 that I was put in line for were both 22lr. The two previous to that were a 22lr that I got in trade with a member and an Aero Precision lower, that were both instant approval. 🤔
I was in Bi-mart weekend before last on another mission when I decided to stop by the pistol case. They had a Black Rain Ordinance battle worn titanium with a low serial. I didn't need another 9 but, decided I wanted it. Normally instant if not only a few minutes for approval. I went to the back at over 3,000! I had them double check the 4473 and everything was good. I checked back on Monday and was still 1,000 out.
Not a huge deal for me but, I thought it was strange.
Makes me wonder what kind of games they are playing. I remember in 2020 it took 14 days for a back ground check. Is there another buying rush on.
Two things that have been high up on the gun control wish list for decades are registration and waiting periods.

Our UBC system is a de-facto form of registration, and now we have a de-facto waiting period.
I was in Bi-mart weekend before last on another mission when I decided to stop by the pistol case. They had a Black Rain Ordinance battle worn titanium with a low serial. I didn't need another 9 but, decided I wanted it. Normally instant if not only a few minutes for approval. I went to the back at over 3,000! I had them double check the 4473 and everything was good. I checked back on Monday and was still 1,000 out.
Not a huge deal for me but, I thought it was strange.
Somebody must be buying, if queue is near 3000?
So when does m114 go live? My understanding this has not been determined yet.
Short answer is no one can say for sure.

Longer answer: I could be mistaken but hearing is possibly going to happen "mid September." It will almost certainly not go in our favor but the timeline isn't clear. They could decide the whole thing goes into effect immediately that day, or they might decide that there should be some sort of grace period to transition… but no idea what that could be? 3 months? 6 months? A year?
I 100% believe a stalling tactic is in place. Good for everyone who gets an instant approval but it has never ever happened for me unless the FFL I was using before he moved had called it in. This doesn't happen with larger businesses or big box stores for me. All they care about is getting their money now.

I purchased a handgun from NW Armory against my better judgement because they had what I wanted in stock. Now I'm at the mercy of the state police. As my Dad always tells me, "You pay to learn."

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