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That news report states it was a lone shooter using a shotgun. I hate to see another tragedy like this and I'd be lying if I didn't admit it was a relief the guy wasn't using an AR platform. Its sadly gotten to the point where the "evil black rifle" has been so demonized that it has to seen as a "positive" that another type of firearm was used. And there is nothing positive about people being murdered. This was murder by a maniac pure and simple.
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That news report states it was a lone shooter using a shotgun. I hate to see another tragedy like this and I'd be lying if I didn't admit it was a relief the guy wasn't using an AR platform. Its sadly gotten to the point where the "evil black rifle" has been so demonized that it has to be made a point that another type of firearm was used. This was murder by a maniac pure and simple.
Or disgruntled employee/former employee or jilted lover/ex-lover...

I'll wait until the details become clear. Was a big pharma company at the root causing the problem?
One witness recounted as he could hear the killer reloading and shooting as he hid helplessly under his desk. Just think as to how this scenario would have been totally different had someone with a CHL there used his firearm to quickly counter and stop this.
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There is confirmation that a shotgun with buckshot was used in this shooting. All the doors in this building are said to have been made of glass. Apparently the shooter simply blasted the glass, and was then able to reach in and unlock the doors to rooms from the inside.

CBS News has a criminologist on the air right now, saying that the fact that shooter used a shotgun means that this was a personal matter. However, he did not explain any logic behind his statement.

Five people are now confirmed dead, and reports say that several others are "gravely" injured.
Address of the shooting is being shown in all the pics I've seen. Appears to be 888. How long before the Masonic cult conspiracy theories start circulating?
One witness recounted as he could hear the killer reloading and shooting as he hid helplessly under his desk. Just think as to how this scenario would have been totally different had someone with a CHL there used his firearm to quickly counter and stop this.
Or if some brave souls charged him while he was reloading, he probably would have dropped the gun and ran.

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