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i am nopw an idaho resident. im try to figure out the draw or how to apply for tags . im use to the oregon points system . looking for some help or a retired guy to help or a hunting group that explains units to go for the best chance or terrain thanks
You moved to NAMPA? I left caldwell after 35 years and never like going back. Antelope out past Jump Creek all the way down towards the Nevada border are a blast. The beef out of Jordan Valley is awesome. Fishing for catfish up the snake to swan falls. Coyotes out by Murphy and silver city. Enjoy it there because it's changing so fast
You moved to NAMPA? I left caldwell after 35 years and never like going back. Antelope out past Jump Creek all the way down towards the Nevada border are a blast. The beef out of Jordan Valley is awesome. Fishing for catfish up the snake to swan falls. Coyotes out by Murphy and silver city. Enjoy it there because it's changing so fast
Also, good old timers at the Homedale Gun Club meetings and range. They love giving good advice. The Boise, marsing and idahocenter gun shows can give great leads also
You moved to NAMPA? I left caldwell after 35 years and never like going back. Antelope out past Jump Creek all the way down towards the Nevada border are a blast. The beef out of Jordan Valley is awesome. Fishing for catfish up the snake to swan falls. Coyotes out by Murphy and silver city. Enjoy it there because it's changing so fast
Thanks. I love the Jordan valley and the dimwitty rd . Hopefully idaho is easier for antelope. And I'll certainly look up the homedale gun club. Great start
i am nopw an idaho resident. im try to figure out the draw or how to apply for tags . im use to the oregon points system . looking for some help or a retired guy to help or a hunting group that explains units to go for the best chance or terrain thanks
I am kind of learning it but I'm still hunting both Idaho and Oregon, and I got some tags last year. I'm probably not the best person to talk to about terrain but I've scouted a few units anyway.
I am kind of learning it but I'm still hunting both Idaho and Oregon, and I got some tags last year. I'm probably not the best person to talk to about terrain but I've scouted a few units anyway.
I'm not asking for trade secrets but my hearts there but with age my knees are not. Sometimes I think of a agriculture hunt or something or a unit for cow elk . Racks aren't important anymore just fun hunting or a unit to check out. Thanks
I hunt ID some. I think much of the state is draw even for residents when you are after good mule deer and elk hunting. Head N. in the state for decent general elk and deer hunting.
I hunt ID some. I think much of the state is draw even for residents when you are after good mule deer and elk hunting. Head N. in the state for decent general elk and deer hunting.
thanks , yeah ive hunted around st. maries and bovill . lots of fun but the wolves liked it also , just thinking if i dont get a draw tag a closer unit
Idaho is overlooked for pronghorn. fairly easy draw, lots of good areas to hunt. I miss Idaho but,,,,,,,,,,stuck in oregon

north Idaho is over rated, central Idaho is the best hunting. Elk and Pronghorn, good deer hunting too.

my brother talked to a hunter from north Idaho who was hunting in central Idaho. he said the wolves were ruining the hunting in the north.

don't pass the open country, if you drive through it doesn't look that good but stop and look.
you may be surprised.
Idaho is overlooked for pronghorn. fairly easy draw, lots of good areas to hunt. I miss Idaho but,,,,,,,,,,stuck in oregon

north Idaho is over rated, central Idaho is the best hunting. Elk and Pronghorn, good deer hunting too.

my brother talked to a hunter from north Idaho who was hunting in central Idaho. he said the wolves were ruining the hunting in the north.

don't pass the open country, if you drive through it doesn't look that good but stop and look.
you may be surprised.
any close by town for a jump off the ledge point .to start my scout would be thankful.
Mountain home east on US 20 everything north and east of there. Arco north on US 93 to big lost river, challis, salmon. Howe little lost river drainage. lots of good hunting north of Boise.
wow ,thanks. im starting to get excited. i will get my map and a high lighter and start circling the area. i have always shared my spots also because i figure nobody but me knows the exact rock to hide behind or rd to travel . i always loved antelope huting in oregon but the waiting every 16 yrs for a tag sucked. thanks again my friend

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