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Hey y'all,

I'm a member on several gun forums and think I'll fit right in around here. I own several guns in various calibers and reload for 13 of them. I've been an auto mechanic my entire professional career and I'm always happy to offer advice to anyone in need. Enjoy hunting the small whitetails that grace the country side of Texas and occasionally dove and hogs. I've accurized over a dozen 10/22s and assembled as many ARs over the years.

I consider myself an decent home gunsmith and top level auto technician. Hope to get to know y'all well and bounce reloading and wild game recipes around with y'all. 'Preciate you guys having me on board.
Thanks Xaevian, I bet it's beautiful country out there in Montana. You probably actually get a chance to take a shot at some game from over 200 yards away!
Hey y'all,

I'm a member on several gun forums and think I'll fit right in around here. I own several guns in various calibers and reload for 13 of them. I've been an auto mechanic my entire professional career and I'm always happy to offer advice to anyone in need. Enjoy hunting the small whitetails that grace the country side of Texas and occasionally dove and hogs. I've accurized over a dozen 10/22s and assembled as many ARs over the years.

I consider myself an decent home gunsmith and top level auto technician. Hope to get to know y'all well and bounce reloading and wild game recipes around with y'all. 'Preciate you guys having me on board.
Welcome Aboard. Glad you found the forum.

This is the best place to hang out on the internet.

I know that you're not in the Oregon/ Washington area but we've found the best way to meet the community and learn where and how to use public lands responsibly is through grass roots involvement.

If there isn't a local group that advocates for responsible stewardship of public lands, check out Trash No Land.

I am fortunate enough to have my own little stomping ground about an hour away from the house. I hardly go to public land or public ranges anymore. Full steel range with multiple 66% idpa steel, bunch of round steels and a dueling tree @ 25yds. Also a couple at 100 and 120 yards. Bench needs a new top but I'm also the only hunter on the property. I'm spoiled AF when it comes to rec shooting. Range pics all on my old phone. Here's some pictures from the tripod last weekend and the back fence line this spring, fields packed with blue bonnets after my GFs family got out of the cattle biz.

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