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"We don't know anything. But we are sure they pose no threat...."
So, exactly how do you know that if you don't know anything?
The wisdom and competence of bureaucracy...
They can't tell you what it is but they can tell you for certain what it isn't. :s0076:

As Dan Bongino said this morning:

If they know what it is and they are lying to cover it up, it's a scandal. OTOH, if they don't know what it is and our airspace is that insecure, it's a scandal. Or words to that effect.
Possible headline in NJ:

"Brisk sales in shotgun shells across the state. Some stores sell out entire stock."
A true leader would address the nation and tell us what is going on and more importantly, what they are going to do about it.

Nope, too busy pardoning Chinese Nationals that were convicted of espionage against the US.

They would be mysterious if they had no lights, operating in the dark.
They are mysterious because no one seems to know where they come from, where they go, they can't be tracked, and, if we can believe what we are told, none of our sensors can detect them.

Yet they fly with lights, and are large and noisy. Go figure.
They are mysterious because no one seems to know where they come from, where they go, they can't be tracked, and, if we can believe what we are told, none of our sensors can detect them.

Yet they fly with lights, and are large and noisy. Go figure.
Lemme wax Blackpill here...

If I were part of the Forever War Mafia looking for the next panic to spook the sheeple into letting me spill their blood for my treasure, mysterious drone swarms near sensitive areas would be way up there on my list of Maskirovka candidates to consider. Maybe load a few with some kind of bioengineered mild germ payload, something scary but lethal that's made to look like it came from Target Country X (or if I'm going Patriot Act: TNG "domestic extremists")…
Two things we glean from this video. The gov't is most likely phuqing with us and... Megyn Kelly is hotter than the sun.

Looks over shoulder for wife :s0030:
Why would your wife care that the government is messing with you?
We are less than a week away from Dec 7th - Pearl Harbor Day.......and government on all levels is saying they know nothing and have no jurisdiction to find out what's going on and by whom and they could care less.....

Geo-coding for precision terrorist attack by subsequent flights of drones nobody in government gives a damn about....

In four short years the government doesn't work worth a schitz....perverts and incompetents and DEI trash in charge of everything........
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