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I have a couple oddball guns for trade if you happen to be interested. Specifically at this time I have:

Type 38 Arisaka school rifle, $180 (SOLD)
an Australian 1916 no1 Mk3 Enfield Rifle with DP wood.
Hanyang 88 chinese mauser, antique! no transfer required
an M39 VKT Finnish Mosin Nagant, for the right deal.
Savage No4 Mk1 Enfield, all matching
Czech 98/22 Mauser
Chilean 1895 carbine, Antique, no transfer required!
decently sporterized Krag rifle

See imgur link below for pics of some of the rifles in trade. They're quick shots, so if you'd like to see more pics just ask! Not all rifles are pictured at this time. Ill try to get those up soon.

As title states,

I'm looking for antique military surplus guns! They dont have to be antique (pre-1899), but I enjoy it when they are, and makes things cheaper when it comes to transferring the gun. I can travel up and down the i5 corridor, up to Vancouver/Tacoma, or pay for shipping, depending on the situation and details. As the title also states, Ill buy them busted or beautiful. I dont mind rifles that needs some TLC or work done, as long as the barrel hasnt been cut down. Its all on a case by case basis of course, so just PM me what you have and we can go from there!

Have some old rusty Rossi, Interarms, H&R, Taurus, RIA, Perhaps even a colt or Smith and Wesson revolver, and you want to move it along to a good home?

Hit me up! I'm looking for inexpensive revolvers to work on, and practice my cleaning and bluing skills on (if required of the particular weapon). My end goal is to gain some experience gunsmithing, and end up with couple working pieces. I can buy them up front, or I have other weapons (military surplus) and ammo for trade as well. Prefer revolvers in a caliber that can be found (unlike S&W 32), but even if its an odd caliber, Ill take a look and make an offer.

In general, I am always looking for military surplus weapons as well. Specifically I am looking for a colt Victory revolver, Nagant revolvers, Enfield, Webley revolvers, and any old european (late 1800s) revolvers.. If you have those, definitely let me know, and Id love to see if we can make a deal. I dont mind these ones in nasty rusty condition either, but I would prefer decent working conditions ones as these would be going in my collection.

I enjoy buying small collections, am willing and able to buy multiple weapons at a time if need be.

List of guns I am looking to buy or trade for:
Chassepot rifles, any year, any configuration
Antique revolvers, good shape or not!
kropatschek rifles , any year, any configuration
1886 Lebel rifles, any year, any configuration.
Berthier Rifles, looking for a full length configuration, but will entertain carbines too. Prefer WWI or before era, but again, will look at any year.
Gew71, Gew88, Gew98, Kar 88, Kar 91, pretty much any antique Mauser!
any SVT-40 or SVT-38.
Any semi automatic german weapon, like the Gewehr 43 / K43 or G41
any mauser, WWI gew98's especially.
Any enfield (especially WWI or earlier ones)
Mosin Nagants, especially Remington, Westinghouse, or finnish.
Any pin-fire or very early repeating / bolt or single shot military rifles and revolvers.
Any old military rife really. Im trying to focus on WWI and before rifles at the moment, so that old blackpowder or strange looking rifle thats been sitting around, send me a pic and lets talk!

List of MUST-HAVE rifles and revolvers that are not antiques:
k98a / K98az mauser. Polish or german, prefer german. WWI K98k basically, been looking for a decent one for ages. Let me know what you have!
US Krag Jorgensen rifle. Looking for a good full length one. Not interested in any sporters or carbine versions. Cadet rifles are okay though.
FN-49 rifles, any contract (belgian, Lux, etc) except Venezuelan, 7mm. 8mm, 308 / 7.62 or 30-06 ones only please!
A Remington and/or Westinghouse Mosin nagant, can be a finnish convert or not.
Nagant, Webley, Enfield, Colt Victory or other military revolvers
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