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Is he a California transplant? That would probably explain a lot. I hear Bend is awash in Californians.
Yeah not sure, also seems like he ran unopposed too this last term?, so the dems are prolly like "here you do it."

I did check into his financial donations and didn't see any of the obvious antigun groups, but they all donate to the democratic parties at state level anyway...
Yeah not sure, also seems like he ran unopposed too this last term?, so the dems are prolly like "here you do it."

I did check into his financial donations and didn't see any of the obvious antigun groups, but they all donate to the democratic parties at state level anyway...
Nope, looks like Jason Kropf isn't a California transplant.
Yeah been looking at those but the zenith stuff is close enough to HK price for me, the mke ap5 look good, but i think ive already settled on the buy once, cry once for a 9mm pcc :) Also only getting one.

Honestly, I was waiting for the prices on the HK to come down just a little bit more but dammit to hell if it isn't for these gun grabbing Democrats and back on topic I knew this was coming. I should've been shopping sooner..
If you do get the SP5, at least consider the MKE mags, they're good quality, function properly and are still affordable. Get as many as possible. I don't think they backdated magazine will pass muster, most people don't keep receipts for any purchases longer than a year and that's usually for tax purposes on things of that nature.
If you do get the SP5, at least consider the MKE mags, they're good quality, function properly and are still affordable. Get as many as possible. I don't think they backdated magazine will pass muster, most people don't keep receipts for any purchases longer than a year and that's usually for tax purposes on things of that nature.
SP5 ordered! i actually got a pretty great deal from a small online vendor i frequent. Thanks for mag suggestion, i figured id buy one or two hk mags and then a few of the MKE.

And here i thought i was done buying mags 🤷‍♂️
Buy what you want. I prefer buy once and cry never personally. I have AP5 and Ap5p and I'm not crying, I'm smiling. Even with custom wood furniture and optic I'm a little over 1/2 the price of sp5k. Licensed by hk, made on hk tooling, by company that's trained by hk and has been making them for decades.
I think the licensing by HK (and training) expired quite a few years ago, but I agree they are a good value. I have two of the MKE guns in 9mm and also their version of a 33K in 5.56.

I think the licensing by HK (and training) expired quite a few years ago, but I agree they are a good value. I have two of the MKE guns in 9mm and also their version of a 33K in 5.56.

As far as I know they are still licensed by hk to produce several firearms for the military. I can't recall off the top of my head but hk 416 is one of them as I recall. It may well be expired I don't know woudl have to research it which I have no interest in spending the time for. You may be right on that though.
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If scotus decides to grant cert on the mag ban case today I wonder if Oregon appeals court will decide to table their m114 decision until scotus rules on ocean tactical?
HB3075 referred to judiciary committee today

Guess who is the chair of said committee?


5 Ds, 3 Rs on that Committee, yeah it's going to the House floor for a vote :rolleyes:
Kim Wallan is the turncoat that supported Democrat candidates. Jason Kropf is the a-hole that actually crossed his arms and turned his chair sideways when I was testifying against the unlawful militia bill. Mannix is a wild card and voted for the militia bill. Some radicals on that committee but it shouldn't stop people from speaking up. It doesn't cost anything to send emails or testimony, or to testify in person.

Remember, answering voicemails takes up a considerable amount of staff time. Use it wisely.

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