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Looks like ocean state tactical mag ban case is still alive to my eye. Next conference scheduled for 1-17. If this Clement lawyer is the same attorney he is the one who won bruen. That may be partly why it's still alive.

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They'll keep fighting. And they will win! (Commander Clement is on the job!)
This round of Ocean State is about granting/denying the requested preliminary injunction. Have not gotten to the merits at SCOTUS.
The core issue seems to is that the fox article on the other thread is wrong. AWB case is not dead. I'm gonna wait for mark smith videos. Too much false reporting elsewhere.
Maryland Shall Issue V Moore denied Cert; this one directly impacts M114/HB3075;

Snope V Brown, relating to Maryland's AWB (and seems like mag ban too as it's part of same law?), relisted for 1-17-2025 conference along with Ocean State Tactical v RI (another mag ban case)

Edit. Gray V Jennings (Delaware 2A case) also denied cert I believe.

Do we know of any progress to the Illinois FOID case in District Court for that specific district? I remember something about SCOTUS (Barrett?) declining interlocutory injunction or some such?
They see all gun owners as either potential criminals/enemies of State, or already criminals (gangsters and the like).

Basically "you own a gun? What are you, a criminal who hasn't been caught?"
That's factually true.

When my uncle had his gun shop in Creswell, ATF did their audits and the nice bubblegum agent said that all gun owners are criminals,.we just haven't caught them yet.
Not saying don't fight it at all. Just looking at how police might respond given that the anti-gun culture has not set in full boar like it has in CA.
It doesn't matter how the police respond if sellers are afraid of going to jail and losing their livelihood. I'm afraid you are correct one one part of this, fighting this in the legislature probably won't go very far. I'll speak to a legislator about this tonight and see what he has to say, but let's not forget that the dems have 100% of the power in Oregon right now, and they are bat crap rabid right now about the orange man being in office. Remember, 90% of these bills come from other groups on the east coast and they don't have much of anywhere else to vent their frustrations right now.
That's factually true.

When my uncle had his gun shop in Creswell, ATF did their audits and the nice bubblegum agent said that all gun owners are criminals,.we just haven't caught them yet.
^^I heard similar tongue-in-cheek "jokes" from this agency. The agent assigned to us more or less intimated we are all a bunch of flat-earth nut jobs.
^^I heard similar tongue-in-cheek "jokes" from this agency. The agent assigned to us more or less intimated we are all a bunch of flat-earth nut jobs.
I've had good cordial relations with the agency, I've never had any issues but it's local state and city agencies is where I've encountered more hostility in regards to guns.

I wanted to transfer my FFL business from Hillsburrito to Salem and it was the county and city giving me grief as they wouldn't sign off on my business.

One Marion county lady told me " we've got enough kitchen FFL dealers in the area and we don't need another one."

So it's not just one agency but a whole mess of people who are hell bent on making sure the 2nd amendment is made irrelevant.

It's a whole system of unfriendliness that needs to be fired and changed.
One Marion county lady told me " we've got enough kitchen FFL dealers in the area and we don't need another one."

The polite response would be " we've got enough coolaid loonie Liberals in this den of thieves state and we don't need another freedom hater mucking it up , thank you very much " :)

One Marion county lady told me " we've got enough kitchen FFL dealers in the area and we don't need another one."

The polite response would be " we've got enough coolaid loonie Liberals in this den of thieves state and we don't need another freedom hater mucking it up , thank you very much " :)

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I wish you were with me. It's hard sometimes when you feel it and know that politics is playing a hand in things. You know it but they play bureaucracy games to stiffle things up
I believe many people , even people who are in responsible positions buy into the hollyweird / political world of having guns is bad & not having is good . That is like saying if I don't wear a seatbelt then the good vibes of well intentions will keep me safe from harm . In light of personal safety that is tempting fate and quite frankly the criminal element in public ( or Government ) is banking on that foolishness to carry out their deeds . Carry .... Carry On .
I believe many people , even people who are in responsible positions buy into the hollyweird / political world of having guns is bad & not having is good . That is like saying if I don't wear a seatbelt then the good vibes of well intentions will keep me safe from harm . In light of personal safety that is tempting fate and quite frankly the criminal element in public ( or Government ) is banking on that foolishness to carry out their deeds . Carry .... Carry On .
After a quick skim, it looks like they are using Dec. 8, 2022 as the date for mags. Anything after Dec. 8, 2022 would not be able to use affirmative defense. In other words you have to prove you owned mags prior to Dec. 8, 2022.
They'd have to find them first and oops... Looks like they all disappeared. But if anyone was able to find them, seems like Mr. Xerox machine and some photoshop would be a handy tool.
The problem I've found talking to multiple supporters of M114 around the time of the vote is their "understanding" of the issue pretty much never exceeds "guns=bad, therefore anything against guns=good." Not only do they not know any more than that, but they don't really want to. You could point to the flaws in the bill, for example you just pointed out the unconstitutionality of being presumed guilty until proven innocent, and they'll say "I guess that's bad but the measure is still mostly good/necessary."
The extent of their "bills" is essentially, we don't like X so we're going to try to ban X and if we can't ban it, we'll gatekeep it. Then we'll get all our friends to sign that this is okay. Then we'll get a bunch of people who don't fundamentally understand the meaning of rights to vote against their own rights and revel in our victory.

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