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I've always purchased cold water heaters.

...and fearing they will lower the bar.


The courts won't but I wouldn't put it past the legislature to add more WA state copycat rules even if m114 goes through. Supermajority of clueless commie aholes there. OR is well and truly bubblegumed long term imo.

I wonder if SCOTUS overturns AWB or mag ban if OR legislature would introduce it anyways. Then we have to wait for some next scotus case.
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The courts won't but I wouldn't put it past the legislature to add more WA state copycat rules even if m114 goes through. Supermajority of clueless commie aholes there. OR is well and truly bubblegumed long term imo.

I wonder if SCOTUS overturns AWB or mag ban if OR legislature would introduce it anyways. Then we have to wait for some next scotus case.
I am wondering that, in the scenario that Raschio's ruling is upheld by the appeals court and then the State Supreme Court, could the legislature even pass laws similar to Measure 114?

Certainly not doubting that they'd try, but Raschio's ruling would set a precedent that any laws containing provisions like those seen in Measure 114 are unconstitutional, whether they originate from a ballot initiative or legislative action.
I am wondering that, in the scenario that Raschio's ruling is upheld by the appeals court and then the State Supreme Court, could the legislature even pass laws similar to Measure 114?

Certainly not doubting that they'd try, but Raschio's ruling would set a precedent that any laws containing provisions like those seen in Measure 114 are unconstitutional, whether they originate from a ballot initiative or legislative action.
Yep that's the core of the problem as I see it. Anti-gun legislatures such as WA, IL and others are knowingly passing illegal laws.

My guess is they will just word it in a different way so that it has the appearance of being different than the one that was ruled illegal but does exactly the same things. WA appears to be doing this by tying things to "commerce".
Scotus says no to magazine bans.

State says it's not a magazine ban, we are simply regulating commerce.


Yep that's the core of the problem as I see it. Anti-gun legislatures such as WA, IL and others are knowingly passing illegal laws.

My guess is they will just word it in a different way so that it has the appearance of being different than the one that was ruled illegal but does exactly the same things. WA appears to be doing this by tying things to "commerce".
Commerce is Constitutionally regulated Federally, see commerce clause. Both foreign nations & among the several States.

Wether states try to regulate such or not on their own, doesn't make it legal.
Yep that's the core of the problem as I see it. Anti-gun legislatures such as WA, IL and others are knowingly passing illegal laws.

My guess is they will just word it in a different way so that it has the appearance of being different than the one that was ruled illegal but does exactly the same things. WA appears to be doing this by tying things to "commerce".
Until we can somehow hold legislators individually civilly and criminally responsible for unconstitutional laws, we will continue to have this problem.

The original theory was that voters would remove unsatisfactory legislators from office, all in good time. Clearly that is no longer working well.

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