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It takes big balls or lack of brain cells to rob a gun store IMHO o_O

It "looks" like it was another smash and grab. If so poor choice of wording. Should have been burglary if what they are saying is true. Always suspect with news. That they would shoot at the Cops, now that shows some real dangerous guys. If caught I hope they ask the people running for the Dem Nomination, who say prisoners should vote, "so you want these guys to be able to cast a ballot huh?"
Trailer trash or hood rats at it again. It amazes me they keep picking hard targets such as gun stores. Utter idiots. Hope they get caught.

The bizarre thing to also think about is, if they are this brazen to pick targets like this (a guns store) what won't they hit next?

Almost nothing would seem off limits, or out of reach, for them to try and hit next.

Definitely, I hope they get caught too!
The bizarre thing to also think about is, if they are this brazen to pick targets like this (a guns store) what won't they hit next?

Almost nothing would seem off limits, or out of reach, for them to try and hit next.

Definitely, I hope they get caught too!

It's a soft target with very high value. You can't use a stolen car and smash into a bank at night since the money is in a vault. Gun shops often are a great choice for this. Use a stolen vehicle to smash in the front. Then you have a short time till the alarm Co will even call it in. Guns are of course super easy to find buyers for. I am sure probably far easier to turn stolen guns into cash than almost anything else except maybe pharmaceuticals.
Rockville used to be one of my markets. To give you an idea of how much of a lefty lunatic utopia that area is, it's in Montgomery County, MD where they actually instituted a tax on rain water. They used Google Earth to measure how much square footage of roof, driveway and sidewalk you had to calculate and tax the run off.
The bizarre thing to also think about is, if they are this brazen to pick targets like this (a guns store) what won't they hit next?

Almost nothing would seem off limits, or out of reach, for them to try and hit next.

Definitely, I hope they get caught too!
Very true.
I bet if they had the legal ability to shoot any would-be robber (armed or not) (fleeing or not) things would settle down as then they'd truly be a hard target.. but the law favors criminals not the law abiding and innocent victims hesitate to shoot knowing the law will come after them over the criminals.. especially with anti gun DA drooling over making an example out of a gun owner let alone a gun store owner. Effin politics..

On another note, Im amazed we dont hear more dispensary robberies.. considering they are unarmed by law, mostly cash and often very close to freeways and backroads. Even with a safe system for the cash.. all it would take is an insider to spill the beans and give would be robbers an inside scoop of time and the most efficient method of getting in and out.
It's a soft target with very high value. You can't use a stolen car and smash into a bank at night since the money is in a vault. Gun shops often are a great choice for this. Use a stolen vehicle to smash in the front. Then you have a short time till the alarm Co will even call it in. Guns are of course super easy to find buyers for. I am sure probably far easier to turn stolen guns into cash than almost anything else except maybe pharmaceuticals.
Wonder if strobes, CS gas paired with smoke and a very intense skin/clothing dye would permanently mark folks as well as diminish their ability to see while smash and grabbing. Could have sworn "The Security Store" claimed to have such a system.
Wonder if strobes, CS gas paired with smoke and a very intense skin/clothing dye would permanently mark folks as well as diminish their ability to see while smash and grabbing. Could have sworn "The Security Store" claimed to have such a system.

Would be nice but, not sure if some jurisdictions would not outlaw this as being a "boobie trap". Does sound like a good idea though if they can do it legally. Seems that with the tech we have now days they should be able to come up with a system that would work, be safe, and not overly expensive.
What will most likely happen is many places will start passing laws that to own a shop they will have to have something on par with a bank vault to store all their inventory in. This would of course be huge on cost and labor. I can easily see lawmakers coming up with this law though citing stuff like this. Then of course we who do not break the laws get to pay the price.
So that's what those big bollards in front of DJ's in Bothell are for.

Rockville is just north of DC, there is a big demand for black market guns there.
So that's what those big bollards in front of DJ's in Bothell are for.

Rockville is just north of DC, there is a big demand for black market guns there.

YEP! That would be one way to help mitigate this kind of thing. Of course not the be all to end all but would slow down some of this. There was one up here somewhere short while back. Some clown stole a piece of heavy equipment literally remove the front of a shop so they could run in and grab stuff. If nothing else this if going to raise the insurance for these shops and guess who gets to pay that. Poor dealers who rent space? Are they going to want to eat the cost of putting in the bollards for a place they do not own? Now in this state they are making it so when we go buy a gun it has to sit there for a while while they drag their feet giving the OK to let us walk with it. So now the stores have to keep it in their inventory all that time and of course have it insured. I until now normally walked in with cash to buy guns since every shop gave a discount. I will not be doing that any more. Will only pay with a credit card since I have to wait. That way if the shop is broken into and my gun is taken, I know I am covered. Meanwhile the criminals will of course be championed as "victims of life" when they are caught. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Rockville used to be one of my markets. To give you an idea of how much of a lefty lunatic utopia that area is, it's in Montgomery County, MD where they actually instituted a tax on rain water. They used Google Earth to measure how much square footage of roof, driveway and sidewalk you had to calculate and tax the run off.

Lefty lunatic utopia is sugar coating it. I used to live in Northern Virginia and work took me all over Maryland. I swear it always felt like I crossed over into the twilight zone when I got into Maryland.

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