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Thanks wayno that's about what I was thinking.I really like it a lot shoots great thinking about deer hunting with it next year.
Because I very much like lever guns, I'd like to see a photo. Also, being blued or stainless, changes value a little bit.
I told him I thought the value on the marlin was a 1000 to 1200 and the security six was 600 he said he didn't care about value he wanted my 357 it was really hard to part with I had it 35 years.

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A good trade is one where both folks walk away happy.
No matter the actual "worth" of the items being traded.

Some folks value things at more than just dollars.....
Things like usefulness and the like
I told him I thought the value on the marlin was a 1000 to 1200 and the security six was 600 he said he didn't care about value he wanted my 357 it was really hard to part with I had it 35 years.
That's the other thing I collect...Security Sixes.:cool:

You did well.

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