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Personally I think the idea the cops have to disarm any lawful CHL carrier is an absurdly dumb and dangerous policy.
Welcome to Michigan Concealed Pistol License law.
Part of accepting your CPL is agreeing that cops have the authority to seize your pistol during a "stop".
Additionally, MI CPL statutes require you to "disclose when carrying concealed" when "stopped". Some uniformed cretins actually assert that you must "disclose whether or not you are carrying, anytime you talk to a cop".
Check it sometime...there is no way for an elitist-prick to take your pistol without muzzling you.
No, I have no particular love for LEO's.

However, let me make this perfectly ephing clear...
You will never distrust LEO's, and actually hate them, as much as you will when they unreasonably disarm you.
You will never distrust a carry gun like you will when he brings it back to you, unloaded, then has the bubblegum to tell you "we prefer you don't reload it until we leave". FU
When you get home you will obsessively strip, and check, your gun, and insist on range checking it before you will want to carry it.
Hope you have a back-up edc.
One of the worst things an officer can do to public-police goodwill...

The only time I had an officer want my pistol was when it was in a fanny pack along with my wallet. He didn't really want the gun, but wasn't thrilled about havin me digging into my fanny pack. If I'd not told him I had a handgun, it would have been a different story. I t's been quite a while since I've been pulled over, but I quit telling them about it. Once they run the plate they know anyway.
It's always best for no one to be handling a gun in a group of people.
Regarding my post #15 & Edit from original post regarding this section above [It didn't seem like this was the direction this needed to go.] More to follow in post on page #2.

There was a valid reason to get the guy out of the car. When the officer was looking into the car, he could see the steering console was damaged with wires hanging out. This is very common on stolen vehicles. It would be a legitimate reason to get him out of the vehicle and secure the gun. The process just went very poorly.

Not justifying the actions by the officer who made the gun go bang, but as I noted earlier, drawing your gun and removing the gun from another (that it sounds like she tried to pull out three times unsuccessfully based on statements by the guy who got shot) is not the same. There is stress because you may be dealing with a guy who stole a vehicle...and has a gun...and is big.

Y'all know me and my preference for safeties; this is one of those times where it would have helped. Having a Glock with a #6ish trigger (so about #1 to #1.5 more than the average 1911 with two mechanical safeties) increases the chances of bad things happening to apparently good people.

Kudos to Jacksonville SO for good release of information (and Florida's sunshine laws).
They guy seemed honest, peaceful and compliant they coulda just ticketed him for not having the CHL and speeding and sent him on his way.
As I remember, you don't need a CHL to carry concealed in Florida.
Lived in Jax but left in 2010.

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Welcome to Michigan Concealed Pistol License law.
Part of accepting your CPL is agreeing that cops have the authority to seize your pistol during a "stop".
Additionally, MI CPL statutes require you to "disclose when carrying concealed" when "stopped". Some uniformed cretins actually assert that you must "disclose whether or not you are carrying, anytime you talk to a cop".
Check it sometime...there is no way for an elitist-prick to take your pistol without muzzling you.
I'm sorry you have to deal with that BS law. Its not required to inform here, as it should be. I see no reason to "introduce" a gun to any interaction with an officer. I don't even think they should be allowed to ask if our CHL shows up on their computer before they get out of the car, as a matter of privacy if passengers in the car... defeats the whole point of "concealed" license.
There isnt anything good that can come from introducing a lawfully carried gun into a routine traffic stop. And its even worse if the officer is supposed to disarm you, there is nothing safe about letting someone else disarm you and handle a loaded gun to give it back and have someone re-arm themselves, in public, in an awkward situation like being pulled over.
The problem is cops attitude here...
They've said "when you disclose, then I know to be extra alert because I know there is a gun".
I'm the Good guy dummy! I obviously stayed outta trouble to get Nanny The State to bless me with a permit, dummy!
How often does the bad guy tell you he has a gun, dummy?
What the hell??? If someone doesn't disclose on other stops are you NOT extra alert??? Are you just "herpa derp dum de dum de dum, no threat here"???
Yer the last person I want to know I'm carrying.

I have not been stopped since Pat Garrett (I think was his name) in Washington County retired. I don't know what they are doing now, but either they never asked if I was armed, or once they asked if my gun was in the car. I don't recall if Oregon officially tracks the permits they issued or not.

Anyone know what Washington County is doing under the new Sheriff as far as carrying while driving?
I had read when LEO runs your plate in OR the system alerts as to whether the driver has a concealed carry permit. I was stopped for a traffic infraction about 10 years ago and the LEO never asked me about any weapon. I had my hands at 2&10 on the wheel when the officer came to the window so perhaps that put him at ease. More than 60 years ago (1950s) my father was a state police LEO in another state and he said they were trained to assume all drivers were armed so the officer should always be alert during a traffic stop.
A very long time ago I got pulled over for speeding. The officer asked if I had a gun on my person, to which I told him know. I asked him why he asked that question and he told me that the computer told him I had a CHL. I'd gone thru the hoops and had applied for my permit, but hadn't received it yet.

It was in the mail box when I got home. 👍

Oregon certainly attaches that to your driving info.
I had read when LEO runs your plate in OR the system alerts as to whether the driver has a concealed carry permit.
Years ago, I heard as such over the radio when I was stopped once. LEO ran my license and it was one of the pieces of information the lady on the other end relayed to him. Though we, the LEO and myself, both heard it, but he didn't say anything about the information either way. (I had my license on me, as well as a standard M1911A1.) I was let off with a warning. (I came to a rolling, rather than full, stop, at a railroad crossing in the middle of nowhere, with no train coming either direction as far as the eye could see.)
About 15 years ago I had to take care of a traffic ticket at the municipal bldg in downtown Seattle. A Seattle cop was sitting at a desk next to the scanner so I took out my drivers license and ccw put one in each hand raised above my head and stepped up and informed him that I was carrying. By his reaction you'd have thought I took a dump on his desk. He came up to me and locked one arm behind my back, grabbed my collar and threw me up against the wall. He then asked me where the gun (1911 cocked and locked) was and when he saw it started screaming that it cocked. I told him yes it was cocked with a round in the chamber so you better know what you're doing before you remove it. He did remove it and he placed it in a draw in his desk. I asked why I was treated like that and he said that he didn't want to get shot. I told him if I wanted to shoot him I wouldn't be letting you know I even had a gun. I took care of my business in less than 10 minutes and asked for my gun back. It took him 15 minutes to return with my gun in a brown paper bag and when I looked inside the gun and mag were unloaded. He then proceeds to tell me that I better not reload it in the building so I stepped outside and reloaded it right in front of the big window where he could see me and flipped him off.
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I have not been stopped since Pat Garrett (I think was his name) in Washington County retired. I don't know what they are doing now, but either they never asked if I was armed, or once they asked if my gun was in the car. I don't recall if Oregon officially tracks the permits they issued or not.

Anyone know what Washington County is doing under the new Sheriff as far as carrying while driving?
Any law-abiding taxpayer has to be 10 times more careful these days as cops will shoot you and then say officer safety even though you are abiding by all the rules.
This is how they are trained at BPST now days your life means nothing and to either beat the crap out of you for zero reason Qualified immunity will cover it all up
Any law-abiding taxpayer has to be 10 times more careful these days as cops will shoot you and then say officer safety even though you are abiding by all the rules.
This is how they are trained at BPST now days your life means nothing and to either beat the crap out of you for zero reason Qualified immunity will cover it all up
My dealings with law enforcement has improved off the charts compared to LA. Though it's been many years since I dealt with LA law enforcement.

There had been such a wall between the police and the population. Even trying to be friendly on average was a let down. Maybe the farther outside of LA the better it got.
Several years ago a friend of mine was stopped in Bend for a traffic infraction.

He was legally carrying and IIRC he told me this was revealed however when one of the cops involved during the stop who was on the passenger side of the vehicle saw the gun he started screaming 'gun, gun' like a demented, frightened idiot.

Apparently this caused the primary, stopping LEO on the drivers side to overreact and he drew on my friend who told me he froze and didn't move a muscle.

He was ultimately handcuffed, disarmed and detained until completely cleared and released, but not until several other LEO arrived essentially over nothing.
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