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"The burden of proving an individual is not eligible to carry a concealed firearm falls on the investigating officer and is not an automatic presumption," the memo stated. "Unless an officer has articulable suspicion that the detained person presents a threat to the safety of citizens or officers or has knowledge that the detained person is ineligible to carry a concealed firearm, officers should not seize a firearm (i.e. remove it from holster, vehicle, pocket, bag, etc.) from someone lawfully carrying it."

The Jacksonville Sheriff's office.
her finger was on the trigger.

Personally I think the idea the cops have to disarm any lawful CHL carrier is an absurdly dumb and dangerous policy.
Personally I think the idea the cops have to disarm any lawful CHL carrier is an absurdly dumb and dangerous policy.
I will agree with that but, this guy, according to the dialog between him and the officer questioning him, did not have a CHL.
I will agree with that but, this guy, according to the dialog between him and the officer questioning him, did not have a CHL.
They guy seemed honest, peaceful and compliant they coulda just ticketed him for not having the CHL and speeding and sent him on his way.
Said this before, and I'll say it again
If it comes to a time where an officer is disarming you, repeat this
"Officer, my weapon is chambered. Please take it holster and all so we don't have any accidents"
These are the kinds of cops we are getting now; the good ones are being forced out due to understaffing and woke policies.

This is an example of one of those odd things that can happen and it makes me glad that my carry guns have manual safeties. I know I'm old fashioned and in the minority in preferring manual safeties.

One time while I was seated at an outdoor picnic table, a stranger's dog came up from behind me and nuzzled me on my right hip where I had my carry gun. For a second I thought someone was trying to grab my concealed gun. Weird things happen sometimes.

That officer did appear incompetent and I hope she moves on to somewhere she can't do as much harm. It does make a person wonder if she got the job over a more competent man. The whole police stop was probably unnecessary.
Hasn't Florida been a permitless concealed carry state since 2023? So there was no violation other than the traffic issue. The guy was being honest and compliant. [It didn't seem like this was the direction this needed to go.] Removing a gun from someone else like this is incredibly awkward. It's nothing like drawing your own gun, thus, actions like fingers getting on triggers is more likely (not excusing what happened). Not good. Get the checkbook out (rightfully so).

Edit from original post regarding this section above [It didn't seem like this was the direction this needed to go.] More to follow in post on page #2.
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