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Final Price Drop before these go the the Swap Meet- For Sale/ Trades Welcomed - Lot of 3 MEC 600 jr & other 12, 16 & 20 Gauge shotgun shotshell reloading presses, Parts, and Consumables....

Note !!! I know very little about these, I do not reload my own shotgun ammo, I picked up all of this from and estate sale a few years back, thinking I would "get into it", but it never happened. I believe there is everything here for 12, 16, and 20ga (but that is just a guess)... I can not guarantee if these are complete or not. Each one is a slightly different model. One says MEC 600 Jr, one say MEC Versa MEC, and third is unlabeled (but looks the same is the other two). Also includes a bunch of parts, wads, bottles, and even a few pounds of bird shot.

You get what you see.....

I would like to get $300 $275 Now Only $165 for the whole lot

Trades Welcomed - I just want to make so room in my shop for other projects.
Interests includes
Bulk ammo:
- 5.56x45 Green Tip M855 SS109 LAP (light armor piercing)
- 7.62×51mm NATO (308win)
- 7.62x39 (AK Food)
Good Quality Optic for an AR (Vortex, EOTech, etc)
Reloading supplies:
- 5.56 62gr bullets
- 9mm bullets
- 45acp bullets
Quality AR Trigger (Geissele, drop-ins, Echo, Binary)
I am open to just about anything of value.

I am not looking to break up the lot at this time. All or Nothing.
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