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5.7 version is $650
.45 version is $665
10mm version is $850. That price should go down one would think. .45 version is best value it seems.

In comparison to the $850 LC carbine 10mm, the $1091 Stribog 10mm is roller delayed, more compact, all metal, and has an incredible reputation for accuracy. So the Stribog seems like a much better value for 10mm to me.
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5.7 version is $650
.45 version is $665
10mm version is $850. That price should go down one would think. .45 version is best value it seems cuz roller delayed, more compact, all metal, incredible reputation for accuracy, 10mm Stribog is only $200 more. All imo
LC carbine is not roller delayed. It's got a school bus sized bolt in it, direct blow back
LC carbine is not roller delayed. It's got a school bus sized bolt in it, direct blow back
Yea I know. I think I worded my response poorly, will redo.

Btw palmetto has the hk 45 acp USC for $999 today. I wonder if that is a reaction to the lc carbine 10mm coming out. I remember Keltec sub2000 had $100 rebate all of a sudden as soon as the smith folding carbine came out.

Edit: USC was $999 earlier this morning. Already went up to $1199 now. Probably too many people saw it and jumped on it. Early bird and all that.
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Dropped on the 10th, been waiting for it, got tired of waiting, on the day my can was approved that I bought after being tired of waiting, the LC carbine 10mm dropped....

I'll be getting one as soon as I can, dealer cost on them is a little bit higher than the 45 lc carbine.
Not sure what the price will shake out to but was kind of surprised to see they are selling right now for $800 with lots of them available. If they had not made them a no go here I have no doubt I would have bought one just now when I looked at them without waiting to see how low the price will eventually go :D
I'm not sure when they snuck this in, but I just found the LC Carbine in 10mm on Rugers website.
@#$%@ !#^^@$ !#$^^!@# #^&*(((!@!#@ #R@#!@%%$ !@#$!@#$ !@#^^^$#!

Been waiting 20 years for this (yes, I know about CMMG / Stribog, ect).

%$@#$% %&#%$#@#$$5&6@$# 4!@$#@% Washington!

If my job didn't provide what it provides I'd be gone. bubblegum this state (there are some good people here, they're just in the minority).
I don't get all the love for the UMP. It's basically a Pinto with Ferrari badges.You can get direct blowback carbines for $200, yet HK thinks theirs is worth more than a grand. That is good quality delay blowback money. You can get a CMMG for the same cash (in 5.7, 9mm, .40, .45 or 10mm, which is already way more options than HK offers). And we are not even talking about how much you would need to spend to partially un-neuter it, which is not trivial, since HK will not sell the standard receiver to anyone but governments.

I have both the CMMG and the Stribog in 10mm. Both are recent acquisitions for me, but so far I like the CMMG better. It is a smaller and lighter platform. The only thing it lacks is the folding stock, so if that is important to you get the Stribog, but if you want handling and weight the CMMG is the better option. I do think the Stribog is a bit cheaper, But you can find the CMMG on sale for about the same price occasionally.

Oh, and the Stribog does have this barrel nut thing on the bottom of the foregrip. If you run the front end naked you will notice it if you put enough rounds down range, and I have had little luck finding a clean way to cover it as it is just past the rails. If you like running a VFG of some kind it is a non-issue, but if you like to grab just forward of the mag well you will want to find a solution to that little oversight. This also limits space for accessories at the 6 o'clock position on the foregrip. If you like your light/laser slung under the barrel you will have to adopt a grip that puts your hand really close to that hot surface.

The CMMG, being an AR platform, has a full freefloat foregrip, so no has no issues with hot bits of metal in awkward places. You can mount whatever you want wherever you want, and even change out the foregrip for any other standard AR foregrip you want (including extra long ones to nest in a suppressor if you want).

But really that is a minor nitpick, and there are available solutions if you are willing to adjust things on your end (if it is even a problem for you in the first place). It is a great platform and is highly recommended. Definitely more than any similarly priced straight blowback system. If you have never shot delay blowback do so before picking up anything else, that way at least you know what you are missing out on.

If you want a UMP for anything other than the HK logo, seek professional help.

(yes, I know straight blowback is more durable than delayed stuff. There are less wear surfaces, springs are consumable blah blah blah and all that. If you are going to shoot so much that is a consideration for you you probably know enough to not need my advice anyway, as anyone who shoots enough to wear out a gun is already going to know all the info above. The number of people for whom that is a significant consideration is not enough to worry about here.)
I don't get all the love for the UMP. It's basically a Pinto with Ferrari badges.You can get direct blowback carbines for $200, yet HK thinks theirs is worth more than a grand. That is good quality delay blowback money. You can get a CMMG for the same cash (in 5.7, 9mm, .40, .45 or 10mm, which is already way more options than HK offers). And we are not even talking about how much you would need to spend to partially un-neuter it, which is not trivial, since HK will not sell the standard receiver to anyone but governments.

I have both the CMMG and the Stribog in 10mm. Both are recent acquisitions for me, but so far I like the CMMG better. It is a smaller and lighter platform. The only thing it lacks is the folding stock, so if that is important to you get the Stribog, but if you want handling and weight the CMMG is the better option. I do think the Stribog is a bit cheaper, But you can find the CMMG on sale for about the same price occasionally.

Oh, and the Stribog does have this barrel nut thing on the bottom of the foregrip. If you run the front end naked you will notice it if you put enough rounds down range, and I have had little luck finding a clean way to cover it as it is just past the rails. If you like running a VFG of some kind it is a non-issue, but if you like to grab just forward of the mag well you will want to find a solution to that little oversight. This also limits space for accessories at the 6 o'clock position on the foregrip. If you like your light/laser slung under the barrel you will have to adopt a grip that puts your hand really close to that hot surface.

The CMMG, being an AR platform, has a full freefloat foregrip, so no has no issues with hot bits of metal in awkward places. You can mount whatever you want wherever you want, and even change out the foregrip for any other standard AR foregrip you want (including extra long ones to nest in a suppressor if you want).

But really that is a minor nitpick, and there are available solutions if you are willing to adjust things on your end (if it is even a problem for you in the first place). It is a great platform and is highly recommended. Definitely more than any similarly priced straight blowback system. If you have never shot delay blowback do so before picking up anything else, that way at least you know what you are missing out on.

If you want a UMP for anything other than the HK logo, seek professional help.

(yes, I know straight blowback is more durable than delayed stuff. There are less wear surfaces, springs are consumable blah blah blah and all that. If you are going to shoot so much that is a consideration for you you probably know enough to not need my advice anyway, as anyone who shoots enough to wear out a gun is already going to know all the info above. The number of people for whom that is a significant consideration is not enough to worry about here.)
I didn't hear anyone saying to buy a USC (UMP is illegal), I only said the price dropped suddenly by $400 overnight. Seems to me that has something to do with release of 10mm ruger lc carbine. I have stated here several times that USC is overpriced and reportedly kicks like a 30-06. Additionally in this very thread I said I would pay a little more for a Stribog roller delayed than a direct blowback. If it was $500 I would buy one of the HKs though.
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Plus shipping, transfer fees and 3% credit card fee
I mean, so are most of the other prices quoted here, maybe minus the CC fee. The only way you are not paying most of those after the fact is by ordering directly from an FFL, and then you are probably not getting it for the lowest quoted price (because their price still needs to include all those expenses, they just don't want to tack it on after the fact like online shopping does). A $750 GB price probably translates to a little under $850 out the door (~$30 shipping, ~$30 transfer, ~$25 CC fee, taxes for your state if any).
I mean, so are most of the other prices quoted here, maybe minus the CC fee. The only way you are not paying most of those after the fact is by ordering directly from an FFL, and then you are probably not getting it for the lowest quoted price (because their price still needs to include all those expenses, they just don't want to tack it on after the fact like online shopping does). A $750 GB price probably translates to a little under $850 out the door (~$30 shipping, ~$30 transfer, ~$25 CC fee, taxes for your state if any).
Find a cheaper FFL, I guess? The guy I use is regularly competitive with many online prices and I don't have to pay all the extras
I didn't hear anyone saying to buy a USC (UMP is illegal), I only said the price dropped suddenly by $400 overnight. Seems to me that has something to do with release of 10mm ruger lc carbine. I have stated here several times that USC is overpriced and reportedly kicks like a 30-06. Additionally in this very thread I said I would pay a little more for a Stribog roller delayed than a direct blowback. If it was $500 I would buy one of the HKs though.
I wasn't talking about anyone specifically, just about all the hype it normally gets online. When they go on sale it seems like they sell out rapidly, and I really don't get it. Even you mentioned how it was at $999 for less than 24 hours before they jacked the price again. There seems to be a ton of demand for them. And there are tons of people in many forums that talk about snagging a USC for ~$1k on sale then paying another few hundred to fatten the mag well and perform a few other cosmetic changes to make a clone correct UMP receiver (minus the FA trigger group of course). So by the time they have what they actually want they are probably $1500 into the project, and that is for just the gun, not even kitting it out.

I get it if you are a hard core HK collector that has to have that logo on every gun (or maybe are just a poor that wants that logo on a gun in your collection), but there seem to be a not insignificant number of people who think it is actually a good gun despite all the shortcomings. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad for a direct blowback, but that is literally the lowest bar you can reach. Direct blowback is the cheapest action out there for this type of gun and there are far better options on the market by price and functionality. It certainly is not actually worth the price if all you want is a functional firearm and don't care about the logo. Honestly the price is vastly overinflated even as a collectors piece, but alas that is the price you pay for collecting HK stuff; they like to punish their customer's dedication to the brand.
Find a cheaper FFL, I guess? The guy I use is regularly competitive with many online prices and I don't have to pay all the extras
Competitive with online retailers, or competitive with the lowest prices you can find on GB? Because the former is pretty normal, the later is pretty impressive.
I mean, so are most of the other prices quoted here, maybe minus the CC fee. The only way you are not paying most of those after the fact is by ordering directly from an FFL, and then you are probably not getting it for the lowest quoted price (because their price still needs to include all those expenses, they just don't want to tack it on after the fact like online shopping does). A $750 GB price probably translates to a little under $850 out the door (~$30 shipping, ~$30 transfer, ~$25 CC fee, taxes for your state if any).
If WA had not said no to these I would have one on its way to me now at that price :D
Not sure what the price will eventually shake out too. Just checked my favorite distributor and they have some of the 5.7 version but not the 10mm so I can see what they are selling them for individual's. WA did my wallet a favor that they took these off the table for me. :s0140:

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