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I'm not sure when they snuck this in, but I just found the LC Carbine in 10mm on Rugers website.

This will certainly make it's way into my life.
Street price currently is $820-$850. Should come down over time. Classic firearms is the $850 currently.

Using green line as representative, 16"= 805fpe, 8" =700 so only 13% gain but double the length. For me I would go with roller delayed 8" (Stribog) at cost of $1091. Handier size, can add folding or telescopic stock, roller delayed. Cmmg radial delayed is another option but I'm sure it costs more (I don't know).
But if you already have a 10mm subgun and are adding additional 10mm guns it would be a good fit imo.

Rifle vs pistol restrictions (carry or vehicle) may or may not be a factor depending on where you live. OR it doesn't matter. Ease of adding vertical grip favors the rifle (if that's a concern).

Just some stuff I've been thinking about when looking at 10mm options & may not be applicable for someone else. My preference is smaller rather than longer (as long as don't give up too much velocity/energy) for use in vehicle, inside building, ease of transport and concealment, etc. but someone else may be the opposite. Delayed recoil vs straight blowback is a massive factor for me.

Glock 40 (or Glock 20) with USW is another short recoil option.
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If it's anywhere near as good as my LC 45, it'll sell like hotcakes. My FFL gave me a heads up and first dibs for one earlier this week that it'd be there Wednesday. I politely declined but may rethink my choice if it's still there Saturday
Of course I completely forgot this thing is illegal in WA. Damnit.
Get a Glock 40 + USW. Probably a lot more fun and WA legal -unless wa has banned sbrs. Not much bigger than the Glock when folded. Non moving red dot and stock makes it extremely accurate compared to no usw. Can be holstered in OWB or hung on sling close to body. See videos a few posts above to see how flat it is during rapid fire. I love my 9mm version. It's really a fun gun and so much more accurate than just the pistol (triples the range you can be accurate at too).

Seems to me in WA you have similar restrictions to Germany (they can only have so many guns) so some of the same solutions they devised for there should work in WA (ie make existing pre-ban or new guns do more). Fe norlite:


9mm version which is one of my favorite guns. This size chassi also works for .40 s&w/.357 sig. The larger chassis is needed for 10mm/.45 ACP

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Get a Glock 40 + USW. Probably a lot more fun and WA legal -unless wa has banned sbrs. Not much bigger than the Glock when folded. Non moving red dot and stock makes it extremely accurate compared to no usw. Can be holstered in OWB or hung on sling close to body. See videos a few posts above to see how flat it is during rapid fire. I love my 9mm version. It's really a fun gun and so much more accurate than just the pistol (triples the range you can be accurate at too).

Seems to me in WA you have similar restrictions to Germany (they can only have so many guns) so some of the same solutions they devised for there should work in WA (ie make existing pre-ban or new guns do more). Fe norlite:


9mm version which is one of my favorite guns. This size chassi also works for .40 s&w/.357 sig. The larger chassis is needed for 10mm/.45 ACP

I have a P80 frame I need to put together. G40 slide was already in the plans.

SBRs are still legal in WA.
Of course I completely forgot this thing is illegal in WA. Damnit.
That is the only reason I am not watching the auction for one. Just like when the 9mm came out. I started watching the auction until a place in Main finally had one at a price I could live with. When I saw this I wanted on BAD, but of course until I move its a no go for me :(
I have a dream they will make a .357 SIG version of this rifle. They will call it the Ruger TTSX and they will only sell one... To me... Because I think it's neat
Dropped on the 10th, been waiting for it, got tired of waiting, on the day my can was approved that I bought after being tired of waiting, the LC carbine 10mm dropped....

I'll be getting one as soon as I can, dealer cost on them is a little bit higher than the 45 lc carbine.
Dropped on the 10th, been waiting for it, got tired of waiting, on the day my can was approved that I bought after being tired of waiting, the LC carbine 10mm dropped....

I'll be getting one as soon as I can, dealer cost on them is a little bit higher than the 45 lc carbine.
Someone dropped it?

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