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Not unique for Kel-Tec; their P10 Grendel used a stripper clip IIRC.
I have to admit, between the 5.7㎜, stripper clips, and high capacity, it caught my interest. Alas, KelTec, which isn't something I'll mess with these days. Though for less than four c-notes, hardly a big investment. Neat indeed.
That's pretty cool.
I'm sure a limited round version (10) circumvents certain state laws by being clip fed over mags.
Props to them for doing this and at least trying it out.
That's pretty cool.
I'm sure a limited round version (10) circumvents certain state laws by being clip fed over mags.
Props to them for doing this and at least trying it out.
Too bad it's in 5.7, though. It wouldn't be my first choice of chamberings in a "loophole" type of gun
I have to admit, between the 5.7㎜, stripper clips, and high capacity, it caught my interest. Alas, KelTec, which isn't something I'll mess with these days. Though for less than four c-notes, hardly a big investment. Neat indeed.
I'll wait for the follow on reviews, especially from people who are no professional reviewers who get the guns free/etc., and always give glowing reviews. If it was anybody besides KT I would be tempted. Maybe Buffman will get one - I would trust his long term review.

I already have three FN Five Sevens, but for less than half the cost of the FN, it would be nice to have something like this as something to be a stash gun in a vehicle with a couple boxes of ammo. Lightweight (both gun & ammo), high capacity, low recoil yet effective enough. Also something for a backup gun while tromping around in the back-country.
They did the impossible and made a 5.7 I'm actually interested in. Not gonna be a beta-tester though.
If this follows the "normal" operation with KT it will be a good while before anyone not willing to pay out extra can buy one of these. Every time they hit the market with something new they are hard to find. The big places get first crack and most of them show up on the auction. So for those who do not want to pay premium they have to wait a good while for them to make enough of them. By that time there will be a LOT of reviews.
If this follows the "normal" operation with KT it will be a good while before anyone not willing to pay out extra can buy one of these. Every time they hit the market with something new they are hard to find. The big places get first crack and most of them show up on the auction. So for those who do not want to pay premium they have to wait a good while for them to make enough of them. By that time there will be a LOT of reviews.
Yup - I am more than willing to wait for reviews on most guns. But with KT it is pretty much mandatory to wait not just reviews, but for all the non-"pro" reviews and complaints/etc.

Plus KT has a rep for not delivering when they say they will deliver.
Yup - I am more than willing to wait for reviews on most guns. But with KT it is pretty much mandatory to wait not just reviews, but for all the non-"pro" reviews and complaints/etc.

Plus KT has a rep for not delivering when they say they will deliver.
Does KT sell direct now? I had no idea they were doing that. All their stuff I have I had to buy from dealers since they would only sell to distributors. They let the public order from them now? Given the capacity I have to suspect this new gun will be a no go for WA anyway which is nice. If not for that I would be waiting for one. :D Would love to have one of the latest gen's of the S2K but sadly its a no go here :(

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