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Harris is a civilian as of today - exactly what power does she hold?
Hooray! At the moment, not all that much. But I hear she's considering a run for Governor in California. If she wins, I'm not sure what's left to do to California gun owners, but I'm sure she'll think of something.
Never underestimate your enemy. Harris, and all Democrat "leaders" at all levels of government, are intent on replacing the US Constitution with a one-world communist government. They will work very hard to achieve that goal. As her husband said:

Doesn't she always, "put her head down and go to work"…. It's how she's climbed the government appointment ladder…. By being "heads down"…
Hooray! At the moment, not all that much. But I hear she's considering a run for Governor in California.
That depends on whether or not the "Black face of white supremacy", aka Larry Elder, decides to run again.

It's going to be very interesting watching how the LA fires affect the next Gubernatorial race in CA.

If she wins, I'm not sure what's left to do to California gun owners, but I'm sure she'll think of something.
They'll be taking notes from WA legislators for once, who have come up with all-new ways to eff with gun owners lately.
Thank God Harris didn't win, we'd been in trouble with her nonsense gun laws. I was california resident and their gun laws down there did nothing to prevent gun violence. And their stupid ammo background check was even worse, I know LE officers that got denied buying ammo because one thing or another. California should not be the role model for anything unless you want to learn how ruin a state.
Thank God Harris didn't win, we'd been in trouble with her nonsense gun laws. I was california resident and their gun laws down there did nothing to prevent gun violence. And their stupid ammo background check was even worse, I know LE officers that got denied buying ammo because one thing or another. California should not be the role model for anything unless you want to learn how ruin a state.
If we aren't there already, Wash. will surpass Calif. in 2A oppression very soon.

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