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So after much thought of where I hunt , what I hunt and how I shoot...
I would like to trade my JC Higgins Model 50 Rifle.

JC Higgins Model 50
.30-06 , Chrome lined barrel...Made by High Standard.
FN Commercial 98 Mauser Action...Made by FN in Belgium...
Rifle was assembled here in the USA and sold by Sears in the 1950's.

After market green synthetic stock...Not sure of the brand , but it works well and looks good.
Rifle has been re-blued...
Bore is excellent...
Leupold 3x9 "Rilfeman" scope and Leupold scope rings...
If a "local" trade , I'll also have .30-06 ammo...mixed brands , not reloads , "lots" of it...
Unsure of actual amount..if that number is important to you , I'll get a count...
Six boxes of various factory
About 3/4 full various factory and military loose in a .50 Ammo can

Trades wanted :
.22 LR Rifles :
Remington models :
12 , 121 , 510P , 513 , 521 , 572
Winchester :
69 with Peep sight
72 with Peep sight
Rossi :
62SA without the cross bolt safety
May consider other .22 rifles if they have a wood stock and peep sights...

Shotguns :
Remington 870 Wingmaster ( Not the Express model )
12 or 20 gauge , Improved Cylinder or Modified fixed choke or a Rem Choke version
Browning BPS Upland Special 12 or 20 gauge
Ithaca 37 , Improved Cylinder or Modified choke , 12 or 20 gauge
Winchester Model 12 Improved Cylinder or Modified choke 12 or 20 gauge

Muzzleloading firearms are always of interest...

Yes I know that the above firearms may be worth more according to "book value" or "internet value"...
But if you don't ask , you won't know...
Thank you for looking.
Last Edited:
You need a Savage 99 in .30-30. It would just scream Andy... :)

Nah, the Uberti is screaming his name... "Aaaaaaaaaaandeeeeeeee!"


IMO a 336 would be nice.... Those strait stocked 94s slap me in the chops every shot... 99s do too for some reason, must be the short carbine thing. Oh well.

Compare a 336 scope mount to a Win 94 top eject...

This 99 is a .243 I think... (ever see one with the Mannlicker stock?) BTW, this is a weirdly long barrel for a 99!
So after much thought of where I hunt , what I hunt and how I shoot...
I would like to trade my JC Higgins Model 50 Rifle.

JC Higgins Model 50
.30-06 , Chrome lined barrel...Made by High Standard.
FN Commercial 98 Mauser Action...Made by FN in Belgium...
Rifle was assembled here in the USA and sold by Sears in the 1950's.
After market green synthetic stock...Not sure of the brand , but it works well and looks good.
Rifle has been re-blued...
Bore is excellent...
Leupold 3x9 "Rilfeman" scope and Leupold scope rings...
If a "local" trade , I'll also have .30-06 ammo...mixed brands , not reloads , lots of it...
Unsure of actual amount..if that number is important to you , I'll get a count...

Trades wanted :
JM marked Marlin 336 in .30-30
Would prefer a non cross-bolt safety...but that is not a deal breaker....

Uberti Rolling Block Carbine in .30-30...

Winchester 94 in .30-30...
( Pre-64 )

Henry Single shot rifle in ( you guessed it ) .30-30...

Muzzleloading firearms...

Yes I know that the above rifles may be worth more according to "book value" or "internet value"...but if you don't ask , you won't know...
Thank you for looking.
View attachment 586780

Looks like a Hogue stock on your rifle. Those are great rifles.
Andy I have a very nice Remington 572. It is the only rifle that I can shoot shorts with . I have several .22's to use. Your rifle may be a good plinker for me. What is the safety arrangement on your rifle ? Got any dies ? I am currently plinking with a scoped 8x57 Yugo m48.
Andy I have a very nice Remington 572. It is the only rifle that I can shoot shorts with . I have several .22's to use. Your rifle may be a good plinker for me. What is the safety arrangement on your rifle ? Got any dies ? I am currently plinking with a scoped 8x57 Yugo m48.

The safety on my rifle is a "Wing" type safety of the commercial pattern , not military.
Sorry no dies...
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