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We are excited to share our first article ever published in a magazine. This summer, we had the privilege of hosting a class at arguably the Mecca of the shooting sports, @daisyoutdoor, in Rogers, Arkansas. I've been shooting a Red Ryder since I was 3 years old, and it was really cool to see how it all began. Special thanks to @armedlifestyle for giving me a platform to share the experience.
#kidssafefoundation #daisyoutdoors #youllshootyoureyeout #itallstartswithdaisy

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Sure as hell made a difference for me. First one was when I was about 10. They had a hard time getting me to return to the house to eat for a long time. :s0140:
Proving any trigger time is good I badly out shot my Dad next time out with my .22 that until then I could only shoot when with him. After that I could take my .22 out on my own. Money for shells had to be earned though so that early BB gun got the snot used out of it for years and started many years of playing with them. Really damn shame so many kids now days never get to play with one and instead are daily with phone, video games or such.
The one in the photo was a gift from my granddaughter. My own first bb gun, that wasn't a hand me down, was a Crosman 760. Back then they had wood furniture and, so I was told, could handle a max 25 pumps. That thing spit out pellets like a 22 short. Death on rabbits, pidgeons and squirrels!

I started with a Daisy model 25. Grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. It was death to all sparrows and black birds. And an occasional pigeon. Moved on to a Remington 552 Speedmaster at about the age of 12. That old Daisy hung in the barn for years before it finally was sent to the landfill.

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