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Completed October 13th, 2024

Sit and stand: 21 reps in 30 seconds.

I am down two sit&stand reps from previous test. I was able to do 23 back on August 17th. :(

Timed mile run. 11.28 seconds.


That's about 20 seconds slower than my August 17th number and about 28 seconds slower than the flat 11min on my original baseline test. 30 seconds loss in a few months, probably doesn't seem like much but if I loose that every few months, I will end walking the timed mile by age 55. :(

P.S. My knee joints have been acting up and it was noticeable on today's run. The leg workouts are definitely impacting my knee joints. I have stayed off the bike at the gym, which was really triggering them. Hopefully when my leg muscles finally start to grow, they will help stabilize the knee joints.
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My weight loss coach (who is a fitness trainer) says doing the same workouts at the same intensity, essentially becomes worthless because your body adapts to it.

I would argue that your body is still doing more work than sitting on the couch and that exercising will always beat not exercising, even if the intensity stays the same over a long period of time.

I believe this could apply to cardio or strength training. Imagine a 50 year old man benches 140lbs, three reps times three sets once a week. He never increases the weight, reps or sets or frequency. When he is 90, he is still doing 140lbs times 3x3, once a week. Would he have been better off if he had increased intensity over the years? Probably but would he be able to bench 140lbs 3x3, if he had just sat on the couch for 40 years and then attempted the lift? Not likely.

What do you think?
Not worthless, but aside from burning calories and getting some cardio benefit, you won't see much, if any, improvements once your body adapts to the exercise load.
Flat Bench press sets completed Wed Oct 16th, 2024

Set one 135lbs 7 reps

Set two 135lbs 6 reps

Set three 135lbs 6 reps

Set four 135lbs 6 reps

Set five 135lbs 6 reps

Between 2 and 3 minutes rest between sets.

Next week I will bump up weight slightly and go for 5 rep sets.
What was your exertion percentage-wise? Typically, I'll pyramid up to heavy weight and get around 3 reps at 80 - 90% exertion on my next to last set and then half the amount of weight for around 8 reps on my final set.
What was your exertion percentage-wise? Typically, I'll pyramid up to heavy weight and get around 3 reps at 80 - 90% exertion on my next to last set and then half the amount of weight for around 8 reps on my final set.
Not sure about exertion level?

Previously I was going to failure on almost all exercises, that were safe to do so. With bench and squats, I would go just about to failure but not try to do one more rep if I wasn't confident I could complete it. When I was doing the Myo- rep type routine, I was beat red in face, sweating and breathing hard by the time I completed the 25rep set. With 3x8 routine it's much less intense and I don't get the hard breathing or sweating. Might still get a red face on last couple of reps.

I am now trying to leave one or two reps in reserve on first set of an exercise.

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