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So the game is making the voters understand that their elected officials' bad acts are WHY they're takin it in the shorts on tax bills for the consequences of their legislative malpractice.
No, the game is to put whatever restrictions they want on your rights, knowing it will take 10 years to make it to the Supreme Court. Their bans and restrictions will stand for the full 10 years. If the Supreme Court strikes the law down, they will just pass another with a slight change of language. It will take another 10 years for that one.

Same game they have been playing in New York and California.
No, the game is to put whatever restrictions they want on your rights, knowing it will take 10 years to make it to the Supreme Court. Their bans and restrictions will stand for the full 10 years. If the Supreme Court strikes the law down, they will just pass another with a slight change of language. It will take another 10 years for that one.

Same game they have been playing in New York and California.
Not only that, but they get to play those games with OUR DAMN MONEY, while forcing us to fight with,.................OUR OWN DAMN MONEY!
We loose even if and when we win, because it's ONLY our money, not theirs they are fighting with!
I hope Oregonians have learned that these mag bans can exist. Our own day of mag ban reckoning is coming soon. Oregonians shouldn't depend on more mag ban injunctions to save us. Stock up while you can.

I hope Oregonians have learned that these
bans can exist. Our own day of ban reckoning is coming soon.

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I love hearing people say, "but, but ,but that not consituational. They can't ban stuff"
BULLSomething. You needn't look further than WA state. They've effectively done what no other state has done and banned virtually all semi auto guns, let alone "high cap" mags. And no one has successfully argued against it at any level. I don't know that there's any court cases pending at this point. NRA is worthless. FPC????, SAF????

Hopes and dreams, thought and prayers, they are all resting on action in other states.
There are multiple court cases pending against WA's anti-freedom laws. So far the judges refuse to enforce the Constitution.
Hope so. But it's gone completely dark. Aside from Gators and the mag ban case, I haven't heard about anything else for a long time.
I haven't either. It looked like everyone was waiting on the Benitez ruling.
We should know whether scotus will hear the ocean state tactical mag ban case either Jan 24 or 27. If they take the case decision should be around July. This case will affect most lower court mag ban cases (if the judges actually follow scotus I mean).

My guess is on Benitez ca 9th will overturn it after July 2025 wirh some wording designed to circumvent the possible July 25 scotus ruling. Then starts all over again. Just a guess though. The left is hell bent on taking our guns despite the law. That includes anti gun judges like the ca 9th. They are playing the stall game until they can get more leftist judges on scotus in the future.
To say SCOTUS overturning mag bans won't have much effect in WA is pretty silly.

Not sure everyone understands that legally 100% of existing WA "assault weapons" (ie most all semi auto rifles, PCCs, , many shotguns, etc) and threaded barrel pistols will be gone. It's not just about acquiring new ones.

All of them can leave the state, but none can enter. None of them can be handed down to grandchildren or other parties beyond just your kids. This is civilian disarmament, plain and simple. They are just taking a longer approach than Trudeau did.

Also it is currently WA law (passed 2018) that a person must go through a yearly background check in order to keep any existing guns. And the background check can be denied for any reason. Think about that for a second. They currently have the legal method to confiscate all guns in WA if they wanted to. Currently this law is unfunded but it's in the books. If they add funding, such as when the culture is more acceptable to it, it becomes an on-the-ground reality.

IMO many people in Wa are only seeing/reacting to new regs but are missing the big picture of what they are doing. Ffl regs, ammo, etc are just pieces of an all out war on gun owners and guns in WA.

The new WA regs are important but to say SCOTUS overturning mag bans nationwide won't affect WA is not very smart imo. It likely will have a critical impact on stopping WA's civilian disarmament.
What is the 2018 WA law you mentioned about a yearly background check? Not aware of that. Can you give a R.C.W. number?
Hope so. But it's gone completely dark. Aside from Gators and the mag ban case, I haven't heard about anything else for a long time.
All of the the WA challenges are enjoined with Miller v Bonta and Duncan v Bonta. Heard at the same time, decided at the same time. When you hear about those CA cases, it directly speaks to the WA challenges. And the 9th is sitting on their thumbs hoping for SCOTUS to act, so the 9th doesn't get overturned again.
All of the the WA challenges are enjoined with Miller v Bonta and Duncan v Bonta. Heard at the same time, decided at the same time. When you hear about those CA cases, it directly speaks to the WA challenges. And the 9th is sitting on their thumbs hoping for SCOTUS to act, so the 9th doesn't get overturned again.
Not so sure on the waiting for scotus to act part. I don't know but my guess is maximum delay is their tactic. None of the anti gunners or anti gun courts wants to risk a case going to scotus with the current scotus judges.

For example Hawaii had a butterfly knife ban that was in front of CA 9th. But instead of it going to court where they thought they would lose Hawaii did a quick legal change and made them legal in Hawaii. They knew if they lost in the pending court case it would set a precedent for other weapons.

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All of the the WA challenges are enjoined with Miller v Bonta and Duncan v Bonta. Heard at the same time, decided at the same time. When you hear about those CA cases, it directly speaks to the WA challenges. And the 9th is sitting on their thumbs hoping for SCOTUS to act, so the 9th doesn't get overturned again.
Any way to push them to make their descision, or can the delay indefinitely?
Any way to push them to make their descision, or can the delay indefinitely?
Well, let's see... The California court cases have been in the works for about 25 years now in their various iterations so I'm guessing indefinite delay. I wonder what compensation we can get for the years of denied rights should these cases finally get decided in our favor.
Maybe this has already been mentioned, but hasn't Turd Ferguson stated that he intends to delay any challenges in court indefinitely by using his legal expertise to manipulate the system every way possible, or words to that effect?

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