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Would be funnier to see Canada as America's 51st state, as joked about. Would bring a lot of opportunity to a lot of people. So much wilderness, so much land.
There would be WAY too many flags we would have to change! If we decide to make Canada a state we would have to give California back to Mexico to keep an even 50 stars to go along with the stripes!
I thought I heard that Canada scrapped their remaining Hi-Power's recently. They should have sent them to Ukraine, since they surely can handle NATO 9x19 loads.

As for the 51st state idea, it would just bring more idiots into the voter rolls here. Maybe by excluding any large city from Toronto eastward?
I have one of these, it is a fun plinker, and so cool that it looks pretty close to the OG STG44. I bought one only after PSA announced a month ago they were tabling their plan to release a 9mm version.
I had one that I bought in a moment of insanity concurrent with money burning a hole in my pocket. The wooden packing case was impressive. The little .22 semi auto guts, not so much. It did look cool the one time I took it to the range, long magazine got in the way on the bench. The barrel was die cast as well, with a very thin steel sleeve.

I'm no expert on the following, but I get the idea that lots of those "1911" looking pistols in .22 LR are made in Germany to the same sort of specs. Die cast metal, inexpensively made internal parts.
This is the mentality of WA state legislators, pricks like Trudeau, and Judge immergut in Oregon. All "common-sense" gun laws are only the next step to their unstated desire to ban all civilian owned guns. They can't understand why anyone should own a gun, ever.

I have family in Canada that are hunters. They own typical hunting rifles (bolt, lever) nothing controversial. Talking about "gun violence" once he told me if someone broke into his house its a crime for him to use even his hunting rifle to defend his home against a violent intruder. They have no rights up there. Subjects to the king. I showed him my AR15 and told him anytime he wants to come down and will take him shooting. They just cant fathom owning something like that let alone shooting it at will.
Californians have a duty to retreat also. sad
I always tell people, if the loony left here had the ability to simply write off the 2A and confiscate guns, they would. History has shown these registration schemes always lead to some kind of confiscation efforts.
Canada has shown us how close WA, OR, CA etc are to emulating this recent confiscation that the Canadian government has enacted.
The left hates you as free Americans with having the most powerful check on tyranny, the firearm in the hands of the free citizen.
Just like the AWB here in WA, the Canadian ban seems to have a bunch of exotic guns, like they are sold and traded on regular basis. One example here in WA, they listed the FAMAS rifle under the ban, like how many were actually imported into the US? Very few and would be extremely expensive.

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