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Gun control advocates are like Colombo ....
There is always....Just one more thing...
As in one more law , ban restriction , requirement...etc....

View attachment 1997891

At one time I was willing to hear 'em out...and try to talk with them...
Not now...not after the never ending , relentless and remorselessness series of infringements that have been made upon the 2nd Amendment.
Which makes me wonder just how long it'll take before revolvers, long considered ban proof by many, are on the table? I fear it will be within my life time
Which makes me wonder just how long it'll take before revolvers, long considered ban proof by many, are on the table? I fear it will be within my life time
Any firearm can and will make to an anti-gun proponent's list of "You can't own this."
Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

As for when...sad to say...I would bet sooner than we think.
Where did you see the prices?

The site refers to business but I assume individuals will be compensated in the same amounts, less the $250 per gun handling fee.
With their history of moving westward across a wilderness continent it makes you wonder how and why they all turned into such a disgusting bunch of pussies....
With their history of moving westward across a wilderness continent it makes you wonder how and why they all turned into such a disgusting bunch of pussies....
Canada technically never separated from England and is essentially still a subject to UK law. Neither of which has a codified constitution, which means their "president" can enact any law like this at any time without due process. They are subjects not citizens.
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I have family in Canada that are hunters. They own typical hunting rifles (bolt, lever) nothing controversial. Talking about "gun violence" once he told me if someone broke into his house its a crime for him to use even his hunting rifle to defend his home against a violent intruder. They have no rights up there. Subjects to the king. I showed him my AR15 and told him anytime he wants to come down and will take him shooting. They just cant fathom owning something like that let alone shooting it at will.
Canada technically never separated from England and is essentially still a subject to UK law.
The US should have annexed Canada, along with Mexico (probably down to about Belize) after WW2.

Probably wouldn't have been too terribly difficult at the time and would have been a huge benefit to all.
There is entertainment value in reading down the list. GSG Stg.44. That's a crappy, gimmicky, die-cast .22 LR.

When they get down to this kind of detail, they may as well ban them all. And probably will, eventually.
I have one of these, it is a fun plinker, and so cool that it looks pretty close to the OG STG44. I bought one only after PSA announced a month ago they were tabling their plan to release a 9mm version.

Could you imagine, if the Canadian Government actually confiscated these and then sent them to Ukraine?? They would be making it WORSE for them - yeah they are going to turn in their awesome BREN 2's for a STG 22 . . .
Could you imagine, if the Canadian Government actually confiscated these and then sent them to Ukraine?? They would be making it WORSE for them - yeah they are going to turn in their awesome BREN 2's for a STG 22 . . .
When I heard Canada actually said they would send these guns to Ukraine it only confirmed how dumb they are. A bunch of random civilian semi auto and fudd weapons many in non nato cartridges... here you go boys good luck.

Those who keep thinking they will not come for "my gun" are just gaslighting themselves. They keep getting what they ask for. :(
Yep, I got into a discussion with a left-leaning gentleman, and what started with him dismissively scoffing saying, "No one is coming for your guns" turned into, "What could you possibly need an AR-15 for anyway!". Don't think for a second they will not disarm you if given the opportunity.
By the way, that list is very interesting, and actually pretty frustrating in that some of the guns listed there are actually guns that we here in the US cant get imported! So although it sucks that our Canadian brethren are getting all this taken away, it is incredible when you think about what they have access to (or i guess I should say HAD access to) that we dont due to our own import laws. I see HK UMP, MP7A1 . . . Also wild that they are banning their version of the VZ 61 Skorpion- I love mine, however it is defiantly not a gun that I would think of when thinking of crime . . .
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SO I read through the list in the link. I even searched out what a half dozen of them were. But in reality I had no idea what at least 80% of the firearms on that list even were. Don't get me wrong I am very very much against any form of government theft of firearms. But really were any of these obscure firearms a problem?
Whats odd to me is I dont recall any recent event that would cause the ban, was there a mass shooting somewhere in Canada recently?

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