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I've been lurking and posting for a LONG time and I have to post an introduction thread to get to the end of the rainbow or something like that....... I'm a rural male eastern Oregunian from the Columbia basin, close to half a century old who likes watching the sunset, holding hands (not with you), camping, and long walks on the beach (again, not with you). Aside from that I shoot handguns frequently and enjoy buying, talking guns and telling lies about guns more than just about anything else. Oh and I'm married and ugly so don't even think of trying to get a date!
Welcome from r we gone ;) . Glad you're here .There is much to see , learn and share here . Enjoy the forum and all it has to offer . Blessings . :)

PS: We are a close , caring group in as much as if you need someone to hold hands on walks at beach this is the forum ....... ;)
Welcome Aboard. Glad you found the forum.

This is the best place to hang out on the internet.

Check out the organized clean ups in Oregon and Washington. It's the best way to meet the community and learn where and how to use public lands responsibly.

If you really want to get involved in community action check out Trash No Land.


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  • Roseburg, OR
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  • Redmond, OR

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