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My right shoulder is bone on bone and has been for some time. It's finally time to get the joint replaced. I'm curious about the recovery time for someone who has had the procedure done. I saw the surgeon a couple of months ago and asked if I could wait until after Elk Season and he said." Sure, that's towards the end of November, right?" I was impressed that he knew when Elk Season was.
My right shoulder is bone on bone and has been for some time. It's finally time to get the joint replaced. I'm curious about the recovery time for someone who has had the procedure done. I saw the surgeon a couple of months ago and asked if I could wait until after Elk Season and he said." Sure, that's towards the end of November, right?" I was impressed that he knew when Elk Season was.
I (currently) don't have joint issues, but my buddy had his shoulder done and I seem to recall that he was in an arm sling for a couple of months.
I also have friend who has had both shoulders done recently, still recovering from the last one. They had to move some tendons/muscles and attach them differently to regain function. A very long recovery but doable. He's milking it though, I'm certain you'll fair much better. Good luck with your operation.
I had a complete reverse shoulder replacement done in november of 22. Pretty much total down time was 6 weeks. In a sling, ice packs and pain meds. Serious lack of sleep was involved for the first month. Then I did 8 weeks of pt, I was pretty much back to normal in 6 months and my shoulder is better now than it was for nearly 50 years.
I'm not sure I can help you with recovery time. I've had three surgeries on my right and two on my left and have been told to expect to have both replaced at some point. I'm bone on bone on the right and close to it on the left. But I'm managing it.

But it took me a good year after each surgery before I could start shooting a rifle again and two years for a shotgun. Even now if I don't get the gun seated in exactly the right spot, it can be a religious experience. I gotta imagine you're looking at the same time least...for an actual shoulder replacement.

But please post periodically on how the recovery goes. I'm very interested in general but particularly about limitations. Like how much can you lift, in general, after it's all healed? What can't you do? Etc.

Good luck and Godspeed! :)
I have not had the joints replaced but I have had a Rotator cuff and both tendons and ligaments repaired, twice. The first time had a long recovery, almost 3 years. This is when I gave up the big kicking rifles. I moved to a 30-30 and a 6.5x55 Mauser. I have to get closer but that has not slowed me down any.
About 10 years after the first repair, I had another repair. The second was more extensive, but the heal time was only about 6 weeks. DR
My bone guy told me that a replacement would take a year to completely restore my shoulder and that I would have weight restrictions.

The same surgeon did a reverse job on a friend of mine who was back to cutting firewood (comfortably) within 12 weeks.

Different strokes, maybe?
I was out at copeland gun works dropping a rifle off to have a brake installed, talking to Tim about shoulders and rifles, he said his orthopedic surgeon is who turned him on to Holland muzzle brakes. He said he uses their brake most of the time unless his customer asks for something different or supplies their own.
Mine was a reconstruction, not a replacement.

The daktari said it would be six months recovery. At six months, she added another six months. This was a very tough procedure and a tough recovery.

Specifically, she was most worried of me riding my motorcycle. She said the right little bump in the road could undo everything she did.

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