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Depends on how much you shoot it or carry it. I like working on guns and have learned
how to disassemble, clean and lubricate from Jerry Kuhnhausen's shop manual. Before
the internet we use to learn from books!!!
The only revolver I've ever disassembled completely is my mother's Taurus. I think it's a model 86. Anyway it's an SA/DA five shot 38. It's old. I bought it for her when I was into unlicensed snitching as a hobby. I cleaned it really well and polished the sear and hammer, with emery boards, various grits of micro mesh, and ended with toothpaste on a felt wheel on a dremel.

Coated everything with a light coat of lube and reassembled. The single action pull on that thing is really light. The double action pull is so smooth. It's not especially light, but there is no palpable stacking before it breaks.

I just cleaned it for her again a couple of months ago. It hadn't been carried or shot in over 15 years.

My mom has Parkinson's. She can't aim it, or even cock it for a single action shot safely. But she can double action it. Her other three firearms have come back to reside in my safe as she can't use them at all. I bought them all for her around 30 years ago. I am going to get some 38 special shot shells for her, at least she might be able to put some pellets on a perp, but at this point I think her days of owning a firearm are just about over. I think we are about to the point where I'm going to have to move in with her or her with me. We live less than a mile apart on adjacent streets in the same neighborhood.
Once, years ago, "some guy" talked me all of the way through disassembly and reassembly of a 1911 over the phone. I wouldn't mind having that guy show me how to properly take my S&W revolvers apart for maintenance. :D
I would also be interested in that S&W Armorer course if the first thought didn't work out.
Hmmmm, wonder who that guy was?

Glad to see many on here who'll spend the time helping out others.

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