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Look up one of the YOU TUBE episodes where they show tests they have done themselves as well as tests done by fire departments on how "dangerous" loaded ammunition is in a fire and show it to her. :rolleyes:
Remember, Black Powder is a different breed of cat. :eek:
Thank you for sending this to me. My wife had me worried.
Hi, first of all, love your Siamese cat! Of all cats my favorite! I don't reload but have a fair amount of ammo on hand. My wife knows this and saw an article on a house fire where ammo was going off and the fire department left and the house burned down. My wife has banned any ammo in the house and garage. I have a workshop with a steel cabinet with all my ammo. What to do ?

Get a new wife?
Obviously my quoted reply was in jest, but my wife doesn't sweat stuff like this and wouldn't care if our ammo stash was in the attic or a bedroom as opposed to the shop. I say "ours" because she has guns of her own, so that alone may be a big difference between our house and yours. We do have a small amount of ammo stacked on top of the gun safe, mostly for our hunting rifles because it's on hand for when we want to grab one and go.
I had an issue with ants getting into the ammo boxes stored in a cabinet in the shop a while back and made the decision to "can" all of the ammo in US ammo cans. It eliminates the possibility of another ant infestation and while it probably won't make a difference if the shop burns down, it keeps all of the ammo protected from most external influences. It's also a great way to group ammo by cartridges, keeping it better organized.
You have too much reloaded ammo when:
The .50cal ammo cans you're storing it in get too heavy to lift.
The storage cabinet doors won't close anymore.
The cartridge cases at the bottom of the pile have a greenish tinge.

And finally, when you remember, you sold that rifle 2 years ago. :rolleyes:
I've been reloading for several years and have accumulated a bunch of reloaded ammo. I do also have some factory ammo I keep for trading purposes. I've reloaded about (and have on hand) 3000 rounds of 7.62x39, 2500 of .223/5.56, 1500 rounds of .45 ACP, and misc. large amounts of .38 40, .44 40, .45 Colt and of course the proverbial large amounts of factory 9mm, .22, .380 and the like. Is this too much reloaded ammo? It's good stuff and I don't have misfires to speak of. I can't seem to stop and I enjoy it.


Have a very Merry Christmas!
I'd say when you run out of room to store it in your house/garage/shop, then maybe it's starting to be too much. I'd rather have more ammo than guns, than more guns and a piddley amount of ammo.

I used to reload when I competed. Now I just have factory ammo. I only have four calibers. I have .22, .357 Mag/38,spcl, 9mm, and 45 ACP. I one keep about 1K rounds for the 9mm and 45 ACP. About 300 for the .357 and I can never have enough .22 as everyone in my family has a .22 and if 4 of us go shooting with the 22's we can easily shoot through a brick of ammo in a few hours..
Just depends on your personal needs... I do agree that it's eazyer to sell components as is but honestly for me I'm still young in my 30s so I stock as much food for my firearms as I can afford....and make my amounts on how much I'm plan on using the firearm...for instance 40cal I made over 10k I'm good for probley 20 years but now 338 win mag I did 500... but only gets shot 2-10 times a years... but I also load 37 different calibers atm...
I have never loaded so much ammo I can say was 'too much' - but I once discovered some reloaded ammo I had misplaced, forgotten about etc. in a drawer of a cabinet I apparently hadn't looked inside in a couple years!

Quite a few boxes if I recall. Probably at a time when I was loading many different calibers, shooting more etc. Just one of those things!
- but I once discovered some reloaded ammo I had misplaced, forgotten about etc. in a drawer of a cabinet I apparently hadn't looked inside in a couple years!
I did that last year. We had gone on a trip for about 5 months and came home. I knew I had loaded up a case of 9mm subsonic in the spring and we had done a bit of shooting. I got home and could only find a couple hundred rounds and thought, "apparently I shot more than I thought I had", so I loaded up another 1000. As I was packaging it up, I found 800 rounds that I had bulk packed and put in a different spot........

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