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The past few years I've been slackin off for shooting time, no one to go with I suppose. It's not like I don't have ammo to throw away…
Really looking forward to reconnecting with my life long friends down there. ;)
Musta missed it. Where you moving to?
Musta missed it. Where you moving to?
He's going to Florida! Got to figure it's pretty hard leaving the Northwest. But knowing people there is a big help. But it's really difficult to picture The Cave Man on a lounge chair, with a Foo-Foo drink, in a swim suit instead of the back of the boat baiting trolling rigs for the downriggers.
He's going to Florida! Got to figure it's pretty hard leaving the Northwest. But knowing people there is a big help. But it's really difficult to picture The Cave Man on a lounge chair, with a Foo-Foo drink, in a swim suit instead of the back of the boat baiting trolling rigs for the downriggers.
Sounds like a lifestyle I could get used to!
Ammo is like money. You either have enough, or you don't.
I've been reloading for several years and have accumulated a bunch of reloaded ammo. I do also have some factory ammo I keep for trading purposes. I've reloaded about (and have on hand) 3000 rounds of 7.62x39, 2500 of .223/5.56, 1500 rounds of .45 ACP, and misc. large amounts of .38 40, .44 40, .45 Colt and of course the proverbial large amounts of factory 9mm, .22, .380 and the like. Is this too much reloaded ammo? It's good stuff and I don't have misfires to speak of. I can't seem to stop and I enjoy it.


Have a very Merry Christmas!
Never can have enough with the world we live in!
Last year I made a plan to load as much ammo with the components I had on hand knowing that my arthritis is getting worse and don't know how long I'll be able to prep cases or pull the handle. I'm ok with it for the time being though.

He's going to Florida! Got to figure it's pretty hard leaving the Northwest. But knowing people there is a big help. But it's really difficult to picture The Cave Man on a lounge chair, with a Foo-Foo drink, in a swim suit instead of the back of the boat baiting trolling rigs for the downriggers.
I doubt there will be much trolling going on unless some fool bets me that I can't catch catfish while doing it… :s0140:
Which one? Baiting trolling rods, or lounging on a beach in a swim suit with a foo-foo drink? Personally, I'd choose the fishing!
I'm probably gonna be doing the lounging in the wintertime, long T-shirt, shorts and flip flops sipping bourbon.:p
I'm probably the lone dissenting voice on this, but yeah you can have too much ammo.

I started out with old surplus guns in the late 1980's and never had much money, so I stocked up on surplus ammo whenever I found it cheap. I liked to have my cake and eat it too, so I always bought more than I shot. As a result I had a lot of old ammo that I'd been dragging around for a very long time. A few years ago when prices were crazy I realized that I was never going to use it all, and sold most of it. I'm glad I did, and I don't miss it in the slightest. I still have plenty for what I shoot, but no longer see any value in keeping huge amounts.
I've been reloading for several years and have accumulated a bunch of reloaded ammo. I do also have some factory ammo I keep for trading purposes. I've reloaded about (and have on hand) 3000 rounds of 7.62x39, 2500 of .223/5.56, 1500 rounds of .45 ACP, and misc. large amounts of .38 40, .44 40, .45 Colt and of course the proverbial large amounts of factory 9mm, .22, .380 and the like. Is this too much reloaded ammo? It's good stuff and I don't have misfires to speak of. I can't seem to stop and I enjoy it.


Have a very Merry Christmas!
Hi, first of all, love your Siamese cat! Of all cats my favorite! I don't reload but have a fair amount of ammo on hand. My wife knows this and saw an article on a house fire where ammo was going off and the fire department left and the house burned down. My wife has banned any ammo in the house and garage. I have a workshop with a steel cabinet with all my ammo. What to do ?
Hi, first of all, love your Siamese cat! Of all cats my favorite! I don't reload but have a fair amount of ammo on hand. My wife knows this and saw an article on a house fire where ammo was going off and the fire department left and the house burned down. My wife has banned any ammo in the house and garage. I have a workshop with a steel cabinet with all my ammo. What to do ?
Firefighters I know tell me they are more afraid of your wife's pressurized can of hairspray than a box of ammo.
I have a workshop with a steel cabinet with all my ammo. What to do ?
Look up one of the YOU TUBE episodes where they show tests they have done themselves as well as tests done by fire departments on how "dangerous" loaded ammunition is in a fire and show it to her. :rolleyes:
Remember, Black Powder is a different breed of cat. :eek:

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