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I have recently reacquired my WA State CPL after having my rights revoked due to a juvenile record, and was wondering what is the proper way to carry it?
My last one, I just folded it in half and laminated so it wouldn't get damaged.
I posted a couple of examples and it seems like they cut the license in half

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I like to fold it into an origami swan with a single cheero in the center as a reward to the hard working LEO who just had their time wasted unfolding my ancient Chinese befuddler
I keep a picture of mine locally on my smart phone and the plastic CHL lives in my wallet next to my drivers license.

I like having a backup on my phone in case I ever don't have my wallet on me while carrying. But in 30+ years NOBODY has EVER asked to see my CHL (except the sheriff when renewing).

I also keep pictures of my approved SBR forms on my phone.
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I like to fold it into an origami swan with a single cheero in the center as a reward to the hard working LEO who just had their time wasted unfolding my ancient Chinese befuddler
Is that like a mini healthy donut?
Clark County is plastic ID card now.

But when it used to be a paper card, I trimmed edges much as possible and laminated to fit inside my wallet.
I just want to make sure I'm doing it 100% legally, the side that I'd cut off just has the issuing authority signature and the Originating Agency Identifier number
I'd be very cautious about cutting anything off of your CPL. I'd call the Sheriff's office to confirm.
Oregon & Utah are plastic & drivers license sized, so they live with the drivers license.

Way way back I had a paper Massachusetts FID card. That I folded & kept in an inner wallet sleeve. Kept it fine that way, however it was also a good heavy stock type paper.
Get some RFID credit card sleeves, they are cheap on Amazon and its not a bad idea to put your credit cards in them either. The Wa. paper license will last long enough in a sleeve until its ready to be renewed, no need to alter or laminate.
The king county permit is annoying. Just slightly too big for my Ridge wallet. Shaved down the lamination and it "fits" but one edge is exposed so if my wallet gets wet I'm sure water will get into my permit.
I didn't know anyone in WA was still doing the paper cards. Mine from Skamania County is plastic. When I had the paper card, I slightly trimmed the edges of the paper with scissors and then did a ghetto home lamination with clear tape. That worked for several years and then I got a plastic card on renewal.

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