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I don't see how dollar usage could be ditched entirely. You could sure minimize their usage but it seems most people are chasing dollars and trying to get as many as they can.
Its been in the works for 50+ years but with today's tech already a reality via CBDCs. In the works as in the US already has one. Just hasn't deployed it yet. Some scripted fear narrative will be used to remove private crypto and cash entirely from use in favor on a card, implant, login. A cashless global society has been a wet dream for the Oligarchs for a very long time. What we want is of no consequence. We have no say.
How would you get paid? How would you pay bills, taxes, insurance premiums, etc. Other than joining the homeless and begging for everything, I don't see how a person could make it through life in the USA without using dollars.
Solid gold or silver coinage like the Canadian Maple Leaf.
How would you get paid? How would you pay bills, taxes, insurance premiums, etc. Other than joining the homeless and begging for everything, I don't see how a person could make it through life in the USA without using dollars.
Eventually, maybe even not that far off, If many get their way, they will probably put a chip in you at berth, and you will live and die on the credits you acquire, or lose, being transacted by, identified by, tracked by, that chip..
Young folks should begin adding hacking 101 classes to their curriculum in preparation since I haven't seen any person, business or govt agency that can't be, or hasn't' been, hacked regardless of the hundreds of so called "privacy" documents touting their commitment to keep things secure that I had to sign over the decades.
Young folks should begin adding hacking 101 classes to their curriculum in preparation since I haven't seen any person, business or govt agency that can't be, or hasn't' been, hacked regardless of the hundreds of so called "privacy" documents touting their commitment to keep things secure that I had to sign over the decades.
In Zimbabwe after they ran white farmers off their lands and destroyed that core industry, it triggered hyperinflation. Very nice homes were being sold for one or two gold coins. We are doing the same right now.
Hyperinflation is the rapid decrease in value of fiat currency relative to commodities. If a currency declined in value relative to gold, it would also decline in value relative to real estate, all else being equal. Real estate would not decline in value relative to gold.

"...they ran white farmers off their lands..." is the reason nice homes were sold cheaply, not the hyperinflation that was also taking place.
I think this idea could work. If you had an intermediary that would accept precious metals and make important payments for you, like property taxes, insurance, dmv fees, etc.

The idea behind this concept would be to mitigate the financial damage that would occur when the hyperinflation hits.
A bank. From the 1800s with today's bill pay.
I've wondered before, how would governments handle taxation issues in a hyperinflation situation. Where "money" values changed on a daily basis. Assessment valuations, millage, tax brackets, and all that would go haywire.
One thing removed from the history books. When bankers got too aggressive in the mid to late 1800s. Bankers seized people's property via the fractional reserve banking fraud and 'were punished' for it.

As in HUNG from town light posts for all to see. Especially in mining and farming/ranch towns.

The good 'ol days. The money changers are all empowered present day and do much worse. They run it all. Our Corp Gov't for a start. It is what it is and will never change. Folded money or digital they control everything.

If I can't pay cash for something or pay off a card every month early, I don't partake. Personal and Business.
Never give the smiling bandits control over your life.

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