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Not quite the same thing, but it is at least interesting that the phenomenon of mass senselessness and downright stupidity was originally written about by the Frenchman Gustave Le Bon in his seminal work, The Crowd (1895), which still makes for a fascinating read today. Freud was also interested in the phenomenon.
I have 20 acres of pine forest on the East side of Klamath county with a small cabin. The same year that the Bootleg fire wiped us out I got the property tax bill with a "taxable valuation" for "structures". I took the bill into the tax assessors office and asked: "what structures?" They removed that line item and reduced the bill.
Not quite the same thing, but it is at least interesting that the phenomenon of mass senselessness and downright stupidity was originally written about by the Frenchman Gustave Le Bon in his seminal work, The Crowd (1895), which still makes for a fascinating read today. Freud was also interested in the phenomenon.
Aw crap! I thought I discovered it! :s0138:
I just cannot see how the CA govt allowed these fires to happen. They didn't have the proper warning labels on every house that burned (Prop 65), heck, I doubt they even performed multiple studies of the effects of how the fires would effect the endangered bisexual slime frog in Asia. How could this happen?
A certain Presidential candidate abused the term, and people fell for it.

I learned that hope is an empty word. If we want something, we should work towards it, not hope for it
Just like the word try. Trying to do something is a lot different than actually doing it.
Not quite the same thing, but it is at least interesting that the phenomenon of mass senselessness and downright stupidity was originally written about by the Frenchman Gustave Le Bon in his seminal work, The Crowd (1895), which still makes for a fascinating read today. Freud was also interested in the phenomenon.
More applicable today than ever, perhaps.
The best is yet to come. The clown running around with a torch starting fires who those home owners took down is in custody for probation violation. He is an illegal. So far they are saying they can't charge him for arson and since CA is a Sanctuary state they will not let ICE get to him. Keep it up CA, you are doing great.
Liberal logic and they are too stupid to realize the wrong thinking.

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