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Ha! The gov will still tax them to the max. This will be in order to pay for all the rebuilding :)
I think our insurance rates will go up nationwide. So we'll all pay for the D mistakes of putting money toward DEI and woke priorities instead of basic things the gov is supposed to do.

Governor was on some cultural woke trip to Ghana at the time of the fire, 17.6 million diverted from firefighting to go to the homeless.

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It's time to reinstate public executions. Make it pay-to-view if it is deemed offensive. I remember listening to the last hanging in Washington State. It was not, however public. The last Public execution (hanging) was in 1936. Rainey Bethea was sentenced to death by hanging after he was convicted of raping Lischia Edwards. Ms. Edwards, was a 70-year-old woman in Tennessee.
The best is yet to come. The clown running around with a torch starting fires who those home owners took down is in custody for probation violation. He is an illegal. So far they are saying they can't charge him for arson and since CA is a Sanctuary state they will not let ICE get to him. Keep it up CA, you are doing great.
Now Ukraine wants to send LA Firefighters 🤣

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4 arrested for trying to start new fires:

Keep CA being CA for them. I keep hoping maybe this will finally be the wake up call they so needed.
Maybe some of the folks from Detroit could do some TED talks on dealing with stupid government after a devastating fire. One of tge guys I work with had a nice place on the hill in Detroit before the fire. After the fire his lot was to small to build on! So his only choice was to sell to his neighbor (so they could combine the lots and build) my coworker then went over the road. After a year of that they saved enough to come home. He has some real advise about dealing with the state after a fire.
The part I am waiting for and will LMFAO at is when all these home owners who lost it all start to try to build, and property tax time. Getting all those building permits is going to be like nothing they have ever seen before. They did not care when it did not effect them. Next will be tax time. Watch the state try to figure out a way to still tax them the same for a burned out lot as they paid for the multi million dollar home. With the excuse they "need" that money to fix the problem. I can't wait to hear the crying.
I just read an article about that. Taxation on the value of the land will continue after the destruction of any improvements. Land value in so. CA (as it is in the Puget Sound area) is usually greater than the value of improvements. There are potential avenues for deferral of payments, but not cancellation.

Mortgages don't go away either. Many burned-out properties will still be encumbered by mortgage. Typically, the lender pays property taxes out of an escrow account for the borrower. The lender will continue to pay taxes to maintain their interest in the property.
Maybe some of the folks from Detroit could do some TED talks on dealing with stupid government after a devastating fire. One of tge guys I work with had a nice place on the hill in Detroit before the fire. After the fire his lot was to small to build on! So his only choice was to sell to his neighbor (so they could combine the lots and build) my coworker then went over the road. After a year of that they saved enough to come home. He has some real advise about dealing with the state after a fire.
From our AI Overlords, "
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It is a nonprofit organization that started in 1984 as a conference bringing together experts from these three fields. Over time, TED's scope has broadened to include a wide range of topics, from science and business to global issues, education, and the arts.

The mission of TED is summarized as "Ideas Worth Spreading," and its popular TED Talks are short, impactful presentations designed to inspire, educate, and provoke thought. These talks are freely available online."
New info on that guy neighbors did a citizen arrest on.

He was an illegal alien who tried to set fire to a dry Christmas tree. Then when they chased him off he tried to set fire to a trash can filled with leaves and sticks.

Probably not

CA voters- "please sir may I have some more" :s0064:
This is a joke, of course, but in all seriousness there should be an academic psychological study to explain the mass voter masochism that repeatedly occurs in places like L.A. where incompetent fools continue, time and time and time again, to get elected in order to make life, death, and policy decisions. And continually fail in that responsibility. Not just L.A., but Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, et al. As an adjunct to that study, examine communities that successfully recover from that syndrome of masochism (if in fact there ever is recovery).
This is a joke, of course, but in all seriousness there should be an academic psychological study to explain the mass voter masochism that repeatedly occurs in places like L.A. where incompetent fools continue, time and time and time again, to get elected in order to make life, death, and policy decisions. And continually fail in that responsibility. Not just L.A., but Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, et al. As an adjunct to that study, examine communities that successfully recover from that syndrome of masochism (if in fact there ever is recovery).
It's already known. I've listed on here several times videos that explain boenhoefer's theory of stupidity. He was a psychologist who lived in Nazi times. He explained how the populace doesn't think but adopts a narrative and will acquiesce to any violence as long as it is in line with the narrative. These are smart people in many cases who let themselves become stupid by giving up their own independent thought for the sake of the narrative. They want to perpetuate the same narrative and don't think about the consequences. We see similar in ape societies where they will kill any apes who don't adhere to the social hierarchy (the established "narrative" for their "tribe"/society). It's easier to promote the "hive" than think independently.
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This is a joke, of course, but in all seriousness there should be an academic psychological study to explain the mass voter masochism that repeatedly occurs in places like L.A. where incompetent fools continue, time and time and time again, to get elected in order to make life, death, and policy decisions. And continually fail in that responsibility. Not just L.A., but Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, et al. As an adjunct to that study, examine communities that successfully recover from that syndrome of masochism (if in fact there ever is recovery).
Somehow, what ever it is, the "TDS" accelerated the decomposition of societies "Brain" in Cali, and other progressive states. But Cali has to be the WORST!

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