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Hi Ed, I was born in New York, Saint Albany at a navy hospital. Lived there for 6 weeks and never been back. Yes, my Dad was in the military. Welcome to the P.N.W.
shooting cool stuff.
Welcome Ed,
Don't know if its cool or not, but I once shot a 3 foot rattler, wanted to save the skin but missed his head and blew the middle of him to pieces. Not a total loss, fried him up for a tasty snack, though could of used a little garlic.
Yes, I know you meant gun stuff
I'm the BEEP BEEP guy!! I think I'll keep that tradition going :)

Excited to be here, thanks for having me Mike!
Oh, that is is too fun! I started doing a honk in the tunnel when I was hearing it myself from others. Then I decided to do the cadence "Shave and a haircut....Two bits". It's disappointing when no one responds.
That's a thing when driving in Turkey as well, although it makes more sense in that country. In fact, the Turks honk their horn when the light turns green as a courtesy. Confused? I was too in the beginning. The reason is that most intersections in Turkey have signals not directly in front, but to the left and right of the traffic lanes even with the sidewalk. The consequence is that most of the time the driver in front can't see when the signal changes, so the driver(s) behind will honk their horns to let the driver in front know it turned green. That's actually one of the things I found so refreshing about Turkey, the way people tend to look out for and accommodate each other with a much stronger community spirit (and awareness) than we're used to in American culture.
Oh yeah, that's the collectivist culture I wish we had here. At the very least, this place seems 10 times less crazier than NYC and it's super refreshing. Turkey though, that's pretty cool. One of my good buddies is from there. Merhaba!
Welcome Ed,
Don't know if its cool or not, but I once shot a 3 foot rattler, wanted to save the skin but missed his head and blew the middle of him to pieces. Not a total loss, fried him up for a tasty snack, though could of used a little garlic.
Yes, I know you meant gun stuff
You get TWO cools, cause that's extra cool. 😎😎

As a city boy if I saw a snake, I'm calling the authorities. I'm not that cool yet!
Oh, that is is too fun! I started doing a honk in the tunnel when I was hearing it myself from others. Then I decided to do the cadence "Shave and a haircut....Two bits". It's disappointing when no one responds.
I will encourage my Portlandian pals to honk more, this I promise!

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