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Just bought a new Browning 7mm PRC rifle a couple of months ago. Finally got the scopes and rings and ready to sight in. He only shot a couple of times and then a cartridge would not go in the barrel. So he removed and fired a few more times. Another cartridge would not work. We was wondering what was going on, so we tried the rest of the New box of Hornady 175 gr ELD-X. We experienced about 4 s the cartridgea would not load, so we tried another new box with a different lot # and tried that one and about 1/2 of them would not work. So we are thinking that the rifle is the problem or do you think it is the cartridges?
I had a similar problem with a handgun recently. It turned out to be the ammo. It was Ammo Inc Defense rounds loaded with Hornaday XTP bullets. I had bought 100 rounds of it, and the overall lengths of the rounds varied greatly. I wound up sending thirty of those rounds into the garbage.

Some the OAL was too long to feed and some were quite short. Like short enough to cause an over pressure. The ammo came in 5 boxes of 20, all with the same lot numbers.

I had a similar problem shooting Winchester white box 38 special from my Colt Python. Some of the case rims were too thick, and the cylinder wouldn't turn. Some did though, and that was all from the same box.

Measure the overall length with a caliper and check the case rims as well, just to rule it out. I've never heard of this happening with a brand like Hornaday with factory ammo.

Also check the measurements on the case mouth, etc for thickness of the rounds. If everything checks out, it's time to call Browning.
So he removed and fired a few more times.
So, the 'few more times' rounds fired chambered OK I am assuming?

FIRST - was the rifle properly cleaned when first acquired and the chamber brushed and checked to make sure it was clear?

Did you perchance compare the rounds that would NOT chamber properly with those that did - to see if there were any inconsistencies?

Can you post any pics of the 'good' rounds along with those that would not chamber?
So, the 'few more times' rounds fired chambered OK I am assuming?

FIRST - was the rifle properly cleaned when first acquired and the chamber brushed and checked to make sure it was clear?

Did you perchance compare the rounds that would NOT chamber properly with those that did - to see if there were any inconsistencies?

Can you post any pics of the 'good' rounds along with those that would not chamber?
I will check and try tomorrow with the photo and we did try to see any difference in the ones that did not work but not any different to the eye.
Yes, Rifle was cleaned as required by browning before using it.
He got disgusted when it happend again and quit.
I would guess it is more likely an issue with the rifle. I would not attempt to shoot it ant more. A tight chamber could cause pressure issues. A decent gunsmith could probably give you an answer. As popular as the round has become you could possibly take the ammo you have to a gun shop and see if it will chamber in a different rifle. Would have to be a private shop. Cabela's or Sportsman's will not do this for you. I would probably just contact browning and send it back for safety reasons. If it were me I would want to know my rifle is safe and in specs.
Yep… put a go/no-go gauge in there… factory ammo won't fit… chamber problem or barrel screwed in too far. High risk issue… back to Browning.
Eh, if half the rounds fit, went bang, and extracted cleanly while half didn't, I'm not inclined to blame the rifle just yet. Try a different brand or two of ammo.
Will look for a gunsmith. Then if it is the rifle, we will send back to browning. if it is the ammo, we will send them back .
Anyone recomend a gunsmith in the Sandpoint, CourDAlene, Idaho area?

Also, we have never had an issue with new rifles. Is this the way this happens with a maybe lemon? Store said for us to send it back . They would look at it but would not have any thing to do with it. All sales are final, warrranties are the manufactures responsibility.
Fad cartridges (PRC is one type, Short Mags another) especially with sharp shoulders and minimal taper walls are often rushed into production (along with the guns) without due process toward the function and feeding issues that are part of the package that comes with their "less than feeding friendly" shape.

When the Short Mags made their debut, 3 different buddies went out and bought them, and all three had feeding issues.

I managed to get two to work. #3 went back to Winchester three times.

Sharp shoulders and minimal taper walls on the cartridge of choice take more attention toward fine tuning the cartridge feeding process when building a gun.

Rapid production methods fueled by competitive "product development" races unfortunately contribute to the issue.

Tapered walls and gentle shoulders are not the "next greatest thing", but they've prevented feeding problems for a VERY long time. :cool:
I saw the prices on 7mm PRC ammo. I'd be really pissed to pay nearly $80 for 20 cartridges and have a high failure rate. That's disgusting.
Eh, if half the rounds fit, went bang, and extracted cleanly while half didn't, I'm not inclined to blame the rifle just yet. Try a different brand or two of ammo.
I believe there are two brands of ammo at this time. Federal and Hornady.
I saw the prices on 7mm PRC ammo. I'd be really pissed to pay nearly $80 for 20 cartridges and have a high failure rate. That's disgusting.

I believe there are two brands of ammo at this time. Federal and Hornady.
I was under the impression both were Hornady 175 eldx, just different lot numbers
They would look at it but would not have any thing to do with it. All sales are final, warrranties are the manufactures responsibility.
That right there is a store that I'd not do any more biz with! Packaging/shipping/receiving firearms is not the same as sending a box of socks cross country.

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