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Hi from Seattle! I just joined today. Looking for people with good advice and information and just share my interests in old guns, especially old Winchester .22 rifles and Smith and Wesson classic revolvers. I get the feeling from poking around on the forum that this is a good community of people. Talk to you soon!
Welcome Aboard. Glad you found the forum.

This is the best place to hang out on the internet.

Check out the organized clean ups in Oregon and Washington. It's the best way to meet the community and learn where and how to use public lands responsibly.

If you really want to get involved in community action check out Trash No Land.

Looking for people with good advice and information and just share my interests in old guns, especially old Winchester .22 rifles and Smith and Wesson classic revolvers.
Yeah, lots of great advice + info available here.

Big S & W fan from snub .22's to .460 of average size and ability that loves his Win 69a. The only gun l still shoot without (ear) protection.

Thanks a bunch for introducing yourself and even more appreciation to a new member for not calling them wheelguns.
I've got a Winchester 67 with factory target sights but I think a 69 with the magazine would be even better. My dad had a 67 "youth" rifle that I lusted after when I was little but for some reason he gave it to a cousin of mine without talking to me about it. My dad is gone now but that little .22 is one of those things that will haunt me forever.

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