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Maybe the muzzleloaders they are referring to in (E), are the smokless powder muzzleloaders. Many of them are built on serialized actions.

Does the Bad Bull Muzzleloader have to be shipped to an FFL Dealer?
There are two ways to get your Bad Bull. We can ship anywhere in the U.S. to an FFL Dealer and you may pick it up there. All we need is a fax copy of the FFL. The other method is to come to our location and fill out the ATF form 4473
I have to say that whoever wrote this new language is very astute, if (E) is referring to smokeless muzzleloaders.
Luckily they haven't heard about these yet.


I still can't figure our how these converted revolvers are ATF approved.

"By contrast, a prohibited person may not receive or possess black powder firearms that can be readily
converted to fire fixed ammunition by replacing the barrel, bolt, breechblock, or any combination
thereof. ATF has classified certain muzzle loading models as firearms. All of these models
incorporate the frame or receiver of a firearm that is capable of accepting barrels designed to fire
conventional rimfire or centerfire fixed ammunition. These muzzle loading models do not meet the
definition of "antique firearm" as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(16), and are "firearms"
as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3). Furthermore, as firearms, these and similar models, regardless of
the barrel installed on the firearm or provided with the firearm, are subject to all provisions of the
GCA. Persons who purchase these firearms from licensed dealers are required to fill out a Firearms
Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473, and are subject to a National Instant Criminal Background
Check System (NICS) check. Felons and other prohibited persons may not lawfully receive or
possess these firearms or ammunition."
This is pretty much how I see it. They want to make gun owners so repulsed to live here they just move somewhere else and simultaneously turn away any gun owners who might want to move here.
Frankly, I'm convinced the left knows deep down that the vast majority of gun owners are NOT a danger or threat to society...they just have a political bone to pick and want to be surrounded by only likeminded friends. Typical intolerance on their end. "We love everyone" ...."that thinks like we do"
Look at the most exclusive neighborhoods in California where the elites are reduced to making hand painted signs stating, looters will be shot. Presumably with guns holding 10rd magazines. (My mother knows a 90yo woman who was burned out that lived there before it was exclusive).

My mother is about to turn 90 herself. In those years, look what she's lived through. Civil unrest, wars, actual racism, etc. She actually held a gun on a would be burglar in the 60s (Compton). People who don't know what you may need, dictating what you can have. They even fool themselves into thinking, they are above it all.
Look at the most exclusive neighborhoods in California where the elites are reduced to making hand painted signs stating, looters will be shot. Presumably with guns holding 10rd magazines. (My mother knows a 90yo woman who was burned out that lived there before it was exclusive).

My mother is about to turn 90 herself. In those years, look what she's lived through. Civil unrest, wars, actual racism, etc. She actually held a gun on a would be burglar in the 60s (Compton). People who don't know what you may need, dictating what you can have. They even fool themselves into thinking, they are above it all.
I think they look at the world how they think it should be, not as it actually is. Fe "the police will protect you, no one needs guns", "people aren't really bad", etc.

They also look at everything as "oppressor" and "oppressed". The "oppressors" must be made to feel pain and the "oppressed" must be protected.

Both views are illusions and idealistic nonsense. But it drives everything they do and that's why D run communities are so screwed up. It's not based on the reality of how the world works and people are. Instead they apply "fixes" based on their idealistic illusions, which only makes the problems worse (because they aren't grounded in reality).
I think they look at the world how they think it should be, not as it actually is. Fe "the police will protect you, no one needs guns", "people aren't really bad", etc.

They also look at everything as "oppressor" and "oppressed". The "oppressors" must be made to feel pain and the "oppressed" must be protected.

Both views are illusions and idealistic nonsense. But it drives everything they do and that's why D run communities are so screwed up. It's not based on the reality of how the world works and people are. Instead they apply "fixes" based on their idealistic illusions, which only makes the problems worse (because they aren't grounded in reality).
Exactly. This is why I identified as a Democrat in my teens and early twenties. Emotion and logic had equal play in my thought processes. Responsibility was something I could put off onto someone else, rather than buck up and take care of it myself.

Eventually, emotion took the back seat and I found myself moving away from that party.
Oregon used to be a fairly good star for gun owners.
Yep. But eventually, it was bound to change. Oregon is a haven for progressive ideology. More people here are concerned with abortion rights than the 2nd amendment. And of course, the vast majority of those people live in the Portland-Metro area specifically.
Yep. But eventually, it was bound to change. Oregon is a haven for progressive ideology. More people here are concerned with abortion rights than the 2nd amendment. And of course, the vast majority of those people live in the Portland-Metro area specifically.
Agree. It's a progression to an anti-gun, leftist culture. Driven by metro areas that unfortunately the more conservative areas of the state have to live with.

Ca is best example of what future WA and OR will look like I think. Cops pulling you over are actively looking for guns. And if you have an illegal gun you can go to jail. That's where WA and OR is headed once the anti-gun culture sets in with law enforcement. 15 years I would say until WA and OR become CA because voting demographics are not gonna change.

But legal challenges can change it long term. For example SCOTUS overturning mag bans and "AWB" bans. That makes a meaningful resistance to the state D legislator's effort to crate an anti-gun WA and OR.
But legal challenges can change it long term. For example SCOTUS overturning mag bans and "AWB" bans. That makes a meaningful resistance to the state D legislator's effort to crate an anti-gun WA and OR.
Unfortunately, with things like sanctuary cities and the like, the progressive left has made clear that they aren't interested in following Federal requirements if it contradicts their beliefs. I wouldn't be surprised if they continued to harass and prosecute gun owners inside of the greater metro area. I'm sure police in the rural areas would recognize SCOTUS rulings though.
Unfortunately, with things like sanctuary cities and the like, the progressive left has made clear that they aren't interested in following Federal requirements if it contradicts their beliefs. I wouldn't be surprised if they continued to harass and prosecute gun owners inside of the greater metro area. I'm sure police in the rural areas would recognize SCOTUS rulings though.

I think they look at the world how they think it should be, not as it actually is. Fe "the police will protect you, no one needs guns", "people aren't really bad", etc.

They also look at everything as "oppressor" and "oppressed". The "oppressors" must be made to feel pain and the "oppressed" must be protected.

Both views are illusions and idealistic nonsense. But it drives everything they do and that's why D run communities are so screwed up. It's not based on the reality of how the world works and people are. Instead they apply "fixes" based on their idealistic illusions, which only makes the problems worse (because they aren't grounded in reality).

I expect ignant people in their 20s to get sucked in by BS, the problem is now there are a bunch of people in their 40s and 50s who still tolerate the BS. And in every place where these people have the reins, the results are there for all to see: trash, poverty, addiction, crime, high taxes, crumbling infrastructure, and extremely high rents.
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I expect ignant people in their 20s to get sucked in by BS, the problem is now there are a bunch of people in their 40s and 50s who still tolerate the BS. And in every place where these people have the reins, the results are there for all to see: trash, poverty, addiction, crime, high taxes, crumbling infrastructure, and extremely high rents.
I personally know people in their 50s-70s who are very much in that particular camp; Congress and Federal District Courts also have a not-insignificant number of them. We both know that the party against 2A have many such people
Oregon used to be a fairly good star for gun owners.
Same with WA, being sort of a "purple" state with not much BS gun laws and now it's become a cesspool of left wing nuts running the junta here. It's nuts what has happened to WA in the last 10 years or so. If it weren't for job and family here, I'd leave in a heart beat. As sad as it is, It feels like OR is well on the way to going down the toilet like WA and CA has.
Same with WA, being sort of a "purple" state with not much BS gun laws and now it's become a cesspool of left wing nuts running the junta here. It's nuts what has happened to WA in the last 10 years or so. If it weren't for job and family here, I'd leave in a heart beat. As sad as it is, It feels like OR is well on the way to going down the toilet like WA and CA has.
Wa just introduced a bill that will require every firearm owner to have liability coverage for each firearm in the amount of $25,000 or deposit $25,000 in cash with the department of licensing per firearm.

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Wa just introduced a bill that will require every firearm owner to have liability coverage for each firearm in the amount of $25,000 or deposit $25,000 in cash with the department of licensing per firearm.

Where's the angry react button? People need to be fed up with this egregious crap. You don't obtain a concealed carry permit per firearm. Why would they think it's okay to carry an insurance policy per firearm? Maybe THEY should pay for the insurance on firearms owners...ya know, kinda like they want US to pay medical insurance coverage on gender modification.
Where's the angry react button? People need to be fed up with this egregious crap. You don't obtain a concealed carry permit per firearm. Why would they think it's okay to carry an insurance policy per firearm? Maybe THEY should pay for the insurance on firearms owners...ya know, kinda like they want US to pay medical insurance coverage on gender modification.
You get your angry react after I get my eye roll react.

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