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  1. For Sale
Heckler & Koch
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Putting this one up for sale now that I picked up a new SIG.
Please do not message me if you are not an Oregon resident.
This is a H&K VP70Z the first polymer framed striker fired handgun to hit the market(1970, Glock didn't make a pistol til 1982). Capacity is 18+1 in pistol roughly the size of a Glock 17/22/37.
The VP70Z comes in an H&K plastic box with 1 18 round magazine, safety is crossbolt type like on rifle or some shotguns. The trigger pull is long but manageable, like an S&W K or L frame in Double Action. Especially after the trigger job.
Speaking of Double Action this pistol is Double Action only, true DAO where if a cartridge for some reason does not go off you can just pull the trigger again unlike most other striker fired pistols.
Very simple and reliable gun, have 250 rounds through it with a variety of bullet weights and casing types.

Magazine release is of the European heel type. Conceals well for the size. Magazine is double stack double feed, which makes loading a magazine up at the rage very quick and easy. Only pistol I've had with an easier take down than Glock. Pictured next to my Glock 37 in .45 Gap(same frame size as Glock 17), the Glock 37 is in the photo just for scale.
This pistol does not lock open after the last round is fired and it was never designed to.

Transfer to be done at Sunset Firearms or J&B Firearms.

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A groundbreaking pistol way before Glock. I believe a collectible that will appreciate in value. Makes me think the designers were Star Trek fans! Very Phaser looking!
Good Luck with Sale.
New Ruger PC Charger w/ sig Romeo red dot Shoots Glock and Ruger mags.

New Mossberg 590 Pump 12ga w/ Streamlight TL Racker foregrip W/weapon light. Fiber optic front sight. 18inch barrel

Trade value 1100$
New Ruger PC Charger w/ sig Romeo red dot Shoots Glock and Ruger mags.

New Mossberg 590 Pump 12ga w/ Streamlight TL Racker foregrip W/weapon light. Fiber optic front sight. 18inch barrel
New Ruger PC Charger w/ sig Romeo red dot Shoots Glock and Ruger mags.

New Mossberg 590 Pump 12ga w/ Streamlight TL Racker foregrip W/weapon light. Fiber optic front sight. 18inch barrel
I'll pass no interest in shotguns or 9mm PCC's(Already have an MP5, don't want or need anything else)
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