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Seems like a revolver might work better? But I know nothing really.

What I do know is that I shoot four mags every time in the M9 and plenty of times it has went boom all sixty trigger pulls. Probably had eight or more misfires with the federal.

I am looking to stockpile another couple thousand rounds of 22 but can't make up my mind which.
Honestly I have really good luck with aguila with the light blue label over white box and armscor has really been reliable as well.
I went to the gun range today and when I got there it was gray and cold so I shot from under the cover. I'd brought along a Browning 1911-380, Rock Island 1911, Ruger Bisley Blackhawk and ruglin 357 mag. They all went bang and the bullets went that way but I discovered that I couldn't see the sights on any of them not clearly at least. All have sights that are black on black and in the shadows on a gray day just disappeared. Huh, maybe I do need a gun with a lighted sight for these kind of days.
I went to the gun range today and when I got there it was gray and cold so I shot from under the cover. I'd brought along a Browning 1911-380, Rock Island 1911, Ruger Bisley Blackhawk and ruglin 357 mag. They all went bang and the bullets went that way but I discovered that I couldn't see the sights on any of them not clearly at least. All have sights that are black on black and in the shadows on a gray day just disappeared. Huh, maybe I do need a gun with a lighted sight for these kind of days.
Several of my pistols have fiber optic sights. That seems to help. I have never been a fan of black-on-black sights. The downside is the fiber optics are fragile compared to steel.
Several of my pistols have fiber optic sights. That seems to help. I have never been a fan of black-on-black sights. The downside is the fiber optics are fragile compared to steel.
I didn't think about it until I got there and started shooting. I do have other guns with fiber optic front sights. Normally I shoot from in front of the benches out in the daylight but today because of the weather I was behind them. Besides I'm trying to justify an optics ready SAR K-12. It's only just one more......
Buddy and I hit the range today after I got off work.
I took my EDC Xmacro and put maybe 30 rds down the tube. Also put 30 rounds through my P220 and a box through my GP 100 and got my sights to my liking.

Buddy has bought 3 used semis with red dots recently which is a new world to him. He recently bought a Glock 21 which he had shot as well as a Canik and a 365XL which he had not shot.

Got them all tuned to his liking. The Xl is definitely snappier than my compensated Xmacro. The Canik was a sweet shooter once I figured out the trigger and might be on my list for a dedicated 9mm range gun. The Glock 21 reminded me as to why I sold mine after a 100 rounds. Im just not a Glock lover.

Another buddy bought a new Sig 10mm so I will see the range again in a day or two.
In the last week or so I've picked up a couple of new guns. Colt M4 Carbine and a S&W Performance Center Shield EZ in 380.
Last week I took the Colt out. I got to my shootin spot and found I had no hearing protection. None. This in a truck that should have extra plugs in the glove box and a set of muffs hanging on the gun rack. I improvised enough to put one mag thru it. I poked a hole in a close target than started after the 100 yard gong. The weather was gray and cloudy, but I was hitting the gong pretty consistently, which is damn good for my eyes and open sights! But the improvised ear plugs, while effective, hurt. I was glad to pull them out.
Yesterday, after the Great Christmas Tree excursion (long, unpublished story), I stopped by the range to shoot a bit with the EZ. I posted a thread about that experience because I had some issues possibly caused by ammo, but also likely gun/owner related. That also allowed a lot of malfunction drills to be performed. :rolleyes:
Still, I had a good time shooting the Shield and I think I'm really going to like that gun. I want to get my wife to shoot it. I think she will do very well with it. I found it very easy to shoot consistently. The trigger pull is nice, not too creepy. The whole package is nice and easy to use. The magazine is the easiest to load mag I've ever seen, as you stand it on a flat surface and then can use one hand to pull the two protrusions off of the follower and drop cartridges in. Almost as easy as dropping cartridges into a revolver's cylinder. EZ is right.

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I improvised
Ouch! That looks painful. Last time I had to improvise, I tore up a Dairy Queen napkin and wadded up a couple of chunks. Since I have poor hearing to start with, that was sufficient. A buddy of mine once stuck loaded 9mm shells in his ears for protection.
Today I decided to go shoot my Ruger-Marlin M94 357 rifle and new to me Ruger Blackhawk 357. I decided to shoot at a BLM gravel pile because my target of choice was a dog chewed tennis ball that had been rolling around under my back seat. I took turns shooting 6 in the revolver and 10 in the rifle of various 38 specials. I shot that poor tennis ball until it was shot up to the point that it didn't even wiggle with the bullet strikes any more. Good times and well needed for me to get some trigger therapy.
Today I decided to go shoot my Ruger-Marlin M94 357 rifle and new to me Ruger Blackhawk 357. I decided to shoot at a BLM gravel pile because my target of choice was a dog chewed tennis ball that had been rolling around under my back seat. I took turns shooting 6 in the revolver and 10 in the rifle of various 38 specials. I shot that poor tennis ball until it was shot up to the point that it didn't even wiggle with the bullet strikes any more. Good times and well needed for me to get some trigger therapy.
The Ruger Blackhawks are a lot of fun to shoot. My dad has one in 357 and I was thrilled when I got the chance to get one chambered in 41 Magnum. I put an oversized grip on it which made a huge improvement.
Today in preparation for the speed steel match tomorrow I took the CZ Shadow 2 and a coffee can out Big River way and practiced drawing from the holster and manipulating the safety. 6 17 round magazines later and the coffee can looked worse than swiss cheese. I know I've said it before but man that gun is fun to shoot.
It's been a couple days since I shot the Speed Steel Benefit Match at Izaak Walton. So with time to reflect here are my thoughts. First off I had fun. Guns don't have to be scary only to be used in the gravest extreme. Rapidly ringing steel is just plain fun. Next each stage required some thinking as how to shoot it. This plays right into my wheel house as I'm a big brain kind of a guy. At first I was shooting the stages as I saw others shooting them but then on the last stage decided to shoot it how felt best to me. It was shooting around a barricade from both sides but you had to keep your feet behind the line causing more of a sideways leaning position, at least that's what it felt like to me trying to shoot two handed. On my second run thru I shot the left side one handed left handed and the right side one handed right handed. I got smiles and nods from the RO/time keeper as my shots were much faster and more accurate shooting that way. I remember a boss telling me that there is 27 ways to do something so pick one and get'er done. I was shooting my CZ Shadow 2 and didn't give up anything the the guns costing twice as much. I do need to practice more to work on both my speed and accuracy but that's a me issue not an equipment issue. I'd like my scores to be closer to mid-field rather than bottom of the barrel.
It's been a couple days since I shot the Speed Steel Benefit Match at Izaak Walton. So with time to reflect here are my thoughts. First off I had fun. Guns don't have to be scary only to be used in the gravest extreme. Rapidly ringing steel is just plain fun. Next each stage required some thinking as how to shoot it. This plays right into my wheel house as I'm a big brain kind of a guy. At first I was shooting the stages as I saw others shooting them but then on the last stage decided to shoot it how felt best to me. It was shooting around a barricade from both sides but you had to keep your feet behind the line causing more of a sideways leaning position, at least that's what it felt like to me trying to shoot two handed. On my second run thru I shot the left side one handed left handed and the right side one handed right handed. I got smiles and nods from the RO/time keeper as my shots were much faster and more accurate shooting that way. I remember a boss telling me that there is 27 ways to do something so pick one and get'er done. I was shooting my CZ Shadow 2 and didn't give up anything the the guns costing twice as much. I do need to practice more to work on both my speed and accuracy but that's a me issue not an equipment issue. I'd like my scores to be closer to mid-field rather than bottom of the barrel.
I noticed on stage 4, where we had to shoot from 3 positions, one weak one strong and one freestyle, everyone in my group shot weak hand last. I decided to shoot weak hand first because there were more shots to take than rounds in my magazine so a reload was guaranteed. I didn't want to reload weak handed and that strategy worked out well for me
Myself and 2 buddies headed west towards the coast today bright and early loaded up with multiple target boards and some bowling pins to play with.
Nice and frosty up high in the coast range and it was nice to get some sun and out of the valley fog.
We had a small arsenal of 2 shotguns, 9 pistols, and I think 5 maybe 6 rifles. No idea how many rounds were fired, but 3 hours later the ammo bags were a little lighter going home.
Lets just say 8 hours later I can still smell the gun powder.
It was a great day!
Lisa wanted me to shoot her NW Trade Gun today but it only fired once and for her. So I'll shoot it another day. Fortunately I brought CZ Shadow 2 and CZ Tactical Sport 2 along while she also brought her SA-35. Targets today were a couple empty coffee cans. Both the CZ's are just plain fun to shoot. Race guns or not they are fun. High capacity, light single action only triggers, short reset triggers. All that high zoot stuff you read about makes them just plain fun to shoot. I talked Lisa into trying the 9mm Shadow 2 and she loved it, shooting it much better than her Springfield. The TS 2 is the same only bigger and chambered in 40 S&W. She didn't like it because it was too heavy for her too comfortably hold up. That's ok I like 40 over 9 anyway. It was a good hour and a half of shooting but towards the end we both decided we were cold enough. Picked up a coffee can of brass and on the drive back saw a Grouse on the side of the road and several flocks of Turkeys in farmers fields.
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Sounds like you had a great day Mike. It must have been "Take your wife shooting day" because we went too. Well, we went for a hike and were looking for shed antlers in the high country. Then when we got back to the rig, we took the opportunity to shoot our .38 specials (S&W Airweight for me, Charter Arms Pink Lady for the missus). Then we took turns shooting .44 Special loads through the S&W 629. We were just rolling a couple of reactive targets across a gravel pit, but it was a lot of fun. My wife found the .44 Special rounds through the 629 to be more fun to shoot than the .38 Specials through the Pink Lady. The weather and scenery were fantastic. We stopped at the A&W in Oakridge for corndog nuggets and cheese curds on the way home.

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Sounds like you had a great day Mike. It must have been "Take your wife shooting day" because we went too. Well, we went for a hike and were looking for shed antlers in the high country. Then when we got back to the rig, we took the opportunity to shoot our .38 specials (S&W Airweight for me, Charter Arms Pink Lady for the missus). Then we took turns shooting .44 Special loads through the S&W 629. We were just rolling a couple of reactive targets across a gravel pit, but it was a lot of fun. My wife found the .44 Special rounds through the 629 to be more fun to shoot than the .38 Specials through the Pink Lady. The weather and scenery were fantastic. We stopped at the A&W in Oakridge for corndog nuggets and cheese curds on the way home.

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Yep fun stuff. I might shoot a round of Trap tomorrow, care to join me?

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