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Hello friends, figured I would introduce myself, living in Salem. I'm getting back into firearms after a stint away. Kinda sucks having only a couple of ranges in the area. Once I get a bigger location to keep my pew pews and accessories I'll get a few more. See y'all at the ranges.
Welcome Aboard. Glad you found the forum.

This is the best place to hang out on the internet.

Check out the organized clean ups in Oregon and Washington. It's the best way to meet the community and learn where and how to use public lands responsibly.

If you really want to get involved in community action check out Trash No Land.

Welcome. I was in the same position last year. I was down to just one center fire handgun and one 22. Then my son gifted me a Custum Shop Colt 1911, a 2 1/2 inch stainless Colt Python, and a Ruger Super Wrangler.

He took me shooting for the first time in 6 years, and bought me some ammo to get started. He made a 600 dollar purchase of ammo at the local Cabela's and gave me half of it. I had such a good time and I bought him a few guns.

Now I have 10 have 11 handguns. And I bought my wife a couple.

Enjoy. Savoring the acquisition of guns is almost as good as actually getting them.

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  • Roseburg, OR
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