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Good lord! I had to double check the date on that and was dismayed to see it was yesterday! :mad:

Going light a candle for an actual 2a supporting nominee for director
Last Edited:
District Court decisions don't matter to ATF apparently. :rolleyes: only the SCOTUS decisions

Again. Repealing NFA/GCA/Hughes Amendment would go very far in being able to abolish ATF but.. id sooner regain my natural hearing :s0064:
Dittlebritches and poopy pants are just flexing on their way out. Giving the people who are paying attention the nerve to actually carry out removing the AFT from guvment entirely. At least that 's what it seems like to me.
This is the ATF flipping the courts the bird, saying "we do what we want". Makes me wonder options for redress there are for citizens should an executive agency continue to interpret and enforce law in a manner that is deemed unconstitutional by the courts.

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