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They don't make a "o" connector
I was never able to shoot any Glock other than a 21, until my 19X fell into my lap. It was my wife's gun. She had it for a number of years. Even with no added back strap to the grip, it was too big for her.

One day I tried it out, and with the biggest back strap, the fit was perfect. The trigger reach was perfect. My finger hit the trigger in exactly the right place. I was able to dry fire it without moving my sights. It's now the home defense gun and I've bought several magazines for it.
In my experience bad form, like knuckeling the trigger, results in lousy groups.
I think I did what you are describing with the Shield 40 I had. I'd put my finger all of the way thru the trigger guard like I was grabbing a tool, not shooting a gun.

I was extremely accurate with that little gun when I shot it in that manner.
Geography aside, given it's blue voting habits, Bend is no longer considered 'East Side'.
I've never considered Bend to be Eastern Oregon. That's Central Oregon. It is east of the Cascade Range, but that's about it.
Sadly, both it and Sisters are way too liberal anymore. It was much better there when the Black Butte Ranch really was a ranch, not a dude ranch/golf course. (probably a beautiful course, though)
I've never considered Bend to be Eastern Oregon. That's Central Oregon. It is east of the Cascade Range, but that's about it.
Sadly, both it and Sisters are way too liberal anymore. It was much better there when the Black Butte Ranch really was a ranch, not a dude ranch/golf course. (probably a beautiful course, though)
This whole state is turning to bubblegum. It's been infected by the Woke Mind Virus. Is Idaho a stand your ground state? I just found out that I have a duty to retreat in my own home. Inside my house. Does that mean I have to take a step back before I shoot the armed burglar?
I admittedly pull almost all my shots left. Rather than retrain myself I've just drifted sights on almost every pistol to the right in the rear. I have accepted my shooting shortcomings and adjusted guns accordingly. I also slowly shaved down the glock "safety" to be perfectly flush on the trigger. My gen 3 always stuck out just a bit.
This whole state is turning to bubblegum. It's been infected by the Woke Mind Virus. Is Idaho a stand your ground state? I just found out that I have a duty to retreat in my own home. Inside my house. Does that mean I have to take a step back before I shoot the armed burglar?
I'm not aware of any duty to retreat in OR, especially inside your home. That doesn't sound correct at all to me.

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